You can install Debian on Android and run both in parallel. But a Android-native Pd would be nice.


On Sep 12, 2009, at 3:22 AM, marius schebella wrote:

here's some information on the setup for the N770, running maemo. . I am also waiting for the N900, but I think it will take some more weeks before it is released. and same goes for the android. I was a little disappointed when i found out that you can't just install linux software on the android platform :(
so, yes making pd rund on the android would be great.

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
You can already use Pd-anywhere (PDa) on the N770 and N800. I have an N810, so if the existing build doesn't work, I could get it working at some point. I think getting Pd or PDa running on the N900 should be easy, like just compiling it for that CPU. I think the N900 has a ARM Cortex A8 which has a floating point unit, so plain old Pd should work fine. What I'd like to see is Pd on Android, but I think that could be a little bit tricky to get into a form that is easily distributable without rooting the phone. The G1 already runs Debian, so you could just install the 'puredata' package once you have Debian on your G1.
On Sep 11, 2009, at 4:49 PM, yjf wrote:

the next Nokia smartphone N900 will have a Linux based OS by the name of Maemo. - I was wondering if anyone is working on making it possible to run Pd in some way under that system. Or are all eyes on the iphone?


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