On Wed, 16 Sep 2009, josepadovani wrote:
On the next PdCon we should have sessions for physics related papers,
presentations and performances (without cars!)... ;)
It would require that people submit physics-related papers in the first
place... but it would have to be physics-with-pd, for the same reason that
there is no room for max-based pd-less projects in a pd convention: not
only it's a convention _about_ pd, there's also so much stuff happening in
the pd world (compared to the time between the conventions), that when you
have finished putting hot pd stuff in the schedule, it's because the
schedule is already full. And as you put hot stuff in the schedule, the
schedule needs to follow thermodynamic principles, which either increases
the pressure in the schedule (PdCon07) or the size of the schedule
Unfortunately I think that nobody (including Heisenberg) knows when or
where it will happen... :P
I hope that at least the Barcelonians can know that it will happen in
Barcelona in late 2010 or early 2011. It's a decidable problem, therefore
they can decide themselves :)
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