You can send OSC messages to scynth from pd... you can do something like
sc3~ with [textfile] (to type things as you described), [popen]/[shell]
(to launch scynth) and OSC server commands
So it is possible to use PD to send SynthDefs to the server, instantiate
Synths, etc...
You can route the signals by using jack... to that you will need
specific audio buses in SC to be your "inlets" and "outlets"
but... probably is just easier to do everything in SC.. :)
Si Mills escreveu:
Hello - Just wondering, how hard
would it be to port this to Pd?
Is there any sort of external that allows you to write a text based
synth directly inside PD? I imagine when clicking on the object would
bring up a mini code editor. Sometimes the ability to to use loops and
arrays to create objects and can be a real time saver (500 [osc~]
each with random pitch variations and amplitudes please!)
I need enlightening to the scripting possibilities of Pd I think
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