Jonathan Wilkes hat gesagt: // Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

> --- On Mon, 12/7/09, Frank Barknecht <f...@footils.org> wrote:
> > Jonathan Wilkes hat gesagt: // Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> > 
> > > Can [sigmund~] do everything [fiddle~] can do (or do
> > it better)?
> > 
> > I leave the first part of the question as a task to the
> > reader of both help files.
> I don't understand: Does this mean you haven't read them?  That you have 
> and it's obvious?  That you have and it isn't?

I'm sorry, my attempt to be funny seemed to have failed horribly. 

Both sigmund~ and fiddle~ do pitch tracking and sinusoidal analysis, i.e. track
partials in a signal.  Where fiddle~ uses a fixed set of outlets to report
various pitch info, sigmund~ reconfigures its outlets according to arguments.
Both fiddle~ and sigmund~ can give similar info, in fact it's almost the same.
I won't repeat these here, for this indeed check the help files. sigmund~
doesn't have an explicit attack outlet, instead you use the more "musical"
"note" outlet, which combines pitch and attack info.  The various internal
configuration settings of both objects are practically the same as well, some
are reorganized a bit( i.e. amp-range is gone in sigmund~ which instead offers
minpower and growth)
> Unless I'm overlooking something, neither help patch mentions the other 
> object.  Obviously [sigmund~] has a lot more "goodies" than [fiddle~], but 
> without spending a long span of time studying each object in depth, it's 
> unclear whether some functions of [fiddle~] were left out of [sigmund~] or 
> subsumed under one of its new features.

Obviously it's not that obvious. :) (I'm trying to be funny here again!) As I
see it sigmund~ doesn't have that many new goodies (except table analysis). It
seems to be more like a cosmetic rewrite to make it easier to use than fiddle~.
The number of outlets has been reduced and their meaning is clearer IMO. 

But under the hood I think it uses a better algorithm. In my experiments it
reports pitch faster and more reliable and stable than fiddle~. So if you can
use sigmund~ I would recommend it over fiddle~ as a replacement.

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