Thanks to the both of you.  I haven't checked out the forum patch yet
(I will), but the help browser page (1.msg_and_patch) is exactly what
I was looking for.


On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 5:59 AM, Marco Donnarumma <> wrote:
> Sorry if you already took a look at those patches, but you might want to
> check the Pd browser > manuals/ > pd-msg/ > 1.msg_and_patch/
> M
>> Hello List,
>> I know this has been addressed a few times on the list in past years,
>> but I couldn't find any concrete instructions.. so, here's my
>> question.  What is the best way to approach dynamic object creation?
>> I'm hoping that there are some messages that can create instances of
>> abstractions or objects.  If these exist, are they documented
>> somewhere?
>> Thanks everyone!
>> -Ben

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