On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:34 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

On 2010-06-09 18:23, Kim Cascone wrote:
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2010-06-09 09:27, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

- sending the [info] and [listplugins] messages to [plugin~] make PdX
crash immediately

i'll look into that.

i couldn't reproduce this as described.
indeed i found a bug that would crash Pd, when a previously loaded
plugin was "used" after calling [listplugins(
(e.g. instantiate [plugin~ stereo_amp], call [listplugins( and then call
[info] -> kaboom!)

I just built the latest src for plugin~
I get the exact same behavior when sending down a [info] message

instantiate [plugin~ amp], connect [noise~] to it, turn on dsp, send
[info] to [plugin~], pdx crashes

could you provide a test-patch?
are you sure you are using the updated version of plugin~? (it now
prints the name of the plugin when it loads).

try running it with from the console with "-stderr", and see what it
prints before dying.
try increasing the verbosity with "-verbose -verbose" (2 times)

also, which version of PdX are you using?

i'm using Pd-vanilla 0.42-5

I'm using
Pd version 0.41-4extended

i have now tested it with PdX-0.42-5extended-rc1 and it works ok as well.


Just checked with Pd-extended 0.42.5-rc1 on Mac OS X 10.5.8/Intel using 'ladspa-cmt' pacakge from Fink. I get no crashes. I do randomly get this message: "error: plugin~: plugin not found".

If I convert all the 'print' messages to 'info', then I get the inlet/ outlet info from the left outlet.



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