On 2010-06-09 19:28, Kim Cascone wrote:
> IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> attached here
>> are you sure you are using the updated version of plugin~? (it now
>> prints the name of the plugin when it loads).
> yes - I get a printout of the plug name
> for example when I instantiate a amp.so LADSPA
> I get
> plugin~: found plugin "amp" in library "/usr/lib/ladspa/amp_1181.so"
> plugin~: open_plugin (x, "amp", "/usr/lib/ladspa/amp_1181.so", 44100)\;
> plugin~: constructed plugin "Simple amplifier" successfully
> plugin~: plugin ports: audio 1/1 ctrl 1/0
> plugin~: plugin active

this basically indicates that you are _not_ using the newest version.

in normal mode, when i construct a [plugin~ amp], i get _only_:
> plugin~: "Simple amplifier"

when running with "-verbose -verbose", i get:
> verbose( 2):plugin~: close_plugin (x)
> verbose( 1):plugin~: destructed plugin successfully
> verbose( 1):plugin~: found plugin "amp" in library
> verbose( 2):plugin~: open_plugin (x, "amp",
"/usr/lib/ladspa/amp_1181.so", 44100)\;
> verbose( 1):plugin~: constructed plugin "Simple amplifier" successfully
> verbose( 1):plugin~: plugin ports: audio 1/1 ctrl 1/0
> verbose( 1):plugin~: plugin active
> plugin~: "Simple amplifier"


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