> Hi I am new to using PureData and I am looking for my help.? I am trying to
> take a video file, currently one from the harddrvie but eventually a
> streaming feed, and look at each pixel in each frame and consider the RGB
> values of the pixels.? I want to then look at those values and calculate a
> ratio of R-G and G-B and then determine what color I would like to? change
> that pixel based on the ratio.? I believe I have found a good way to get the
> data of the pixel, by taking a metro and a counter with the width and height
> of the video and divinding by the width and and height and stepping through
> the frame and send it to pix_data.? i unpack the RGB values and calculate
> the ratio i need.? I am having trouble changing the pixel value to the color
> i want.? I am looking for some insight on the best way to approach?this, or
> if there is a better way to do it from scrath, or if you think it would be
> more efficient to use another program and if you all know
>  of any other programs.? Thank you for your help.
> ?
> ~Sean

It seems to me that the most efficient way of doing this would be with a
custom GLSL shader.

Ben Baker-Smith
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