
        This error should no longer occur in the next release of


> Hi August,
> thanks for your quick reply and sorry for my slow one ;-) The short  
> answer is that cleaning up the headers of the soundfiles by re-encoding 
> with sndfile-convert did the trick. Celine, the student I am working 
> with, promised to write you a bit later with more details.
> Best!
> Derek
> On 6/15/10 5:31 PM, august wrote:
>> Derek,
>>      Are you using MacOS X?   What version of readanysf~?  What version
>>      of gavl and gmerlin_avdec are packaged with it/used with it?
>>      I don't suspect it is the soundfile itself, but just in case, can you
>>      put an example online for me.   This is going to be a tough bug to
>>      find, unless you see some sort of regularity in how the sound turns
>>      to noise for you and can report that to me?
>>      can you make a simple patch that isolates the bug?
>>      Also, when the sound goes to noise, is it just that one particular
>>      soundfile that is used in readanysf or is it PD's entire output.  In
>>      other words, when you hear noise, can you also hear the other
>>      readanysf's playing....or can you also make a simple osc~ and hear it
>>      play correctly?
>>      The "Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec." warning
>>      can also come if you send "play" to the readanysf object without it
>>      having a file loaded.   I assume this is what is happening.
>>      -a.
>>> Hello August, list....
>>> I'm helping a student's installation, and we have created a patch which
>>> uses 24 instances of readanysf~ to read from 24 different soundfiles
>>> between 15min and one hour in length. All sound files are mono, 16 bit,
>>> 44.1KHz WAV_PCM format.
>>> The problem is that, after a length of time, the readanysf~ objects
>>> output noise rather than the soundfile. It is not the result of any
>>> single soundfile, and many or all of the readanysf~ objects can be
>>> affected by this simultaneously.
>>> I have attached the abstraction in question. The object is instantiated
>>> as [readanysf~ 1], in other words the block size and and buffer size are
>>> defaults.
>>> Sample terminal output is as follows while the patch is running:
>>> Created new readanysf~ with 1 channels and internal buffer of 24 * 64 = 1536
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Current file is either invalid or an unsupported codec.
>>> Opening each soundfile individually with readanysf~ and sending "play"
>>> and "pause" messages reports no errors whatsoever, however.
>>> I have sndfile-info data for all of the soundfiles. The only
>>> irregularity I see in this is one file which reports:
>>>    Unknown chunk marker at position 6087587. Resynching.
>>> Besides that, most of the files report something like this:
>>> File : F_DOK6.wav
>>> Length : 146725772
>>> RIFF : 146725764
>>> WAVE
>>> bext : 602
>>> fmt  : 16
>>>    Format        : 0x1 =>  WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
>>>    Channels      : 1
>>>    Sample Rate   : 44100
>>>    Block Align   : 2
>>>    Bit Width     : 16
>>>    Bytes/sec     : 88200
>>> *** minf : 16 (unknown marker)
>>> *** elm1 : 7506 (unknown marker)
>>> data : 140114520
>>> *** regn : 92 (unknown marker)
>>> *** umid : 24 (unknown marker)
>>> *** DGDA : 6602919 (unknown marker)
>>> End
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>> Sample Rate : 44100
>>> Frames      : 70057260
>>> Channels    : 1
>>> Format      : 0x00010002
>>> Sections    : 1
>>> Seekable    : TRUE
>>> Duration    : 00:26:28.600
>>> Signal Max  : 11627 (-9.00 dB)
>>> Someone suggested the noisy output may be the result of a buffer
>>> problem, but I am not sure who I could verify or correct this.
>>> I checked with "top" while the noise was happening and saw no evidence
>>> that Pd was using any more memory than usual, and the CPU meter reported
>>> 30%.
>>> Hardware is an Intel Mac Mini, software is Pd-Extended 0.41.4.
>>> Any suggestions or other diagnostics I could run are appreciated.
>>> Best!
>>> Derek

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