Hello Frank,

Thanks for your answer. I will take a look at your [physigs]
abstraction. For information, i have 10000 mobiles masses + 10000
immovables masses + 10000 links. So a lot of links ;)


Le jeudi 08 juillet 2010 à 09:35 +0200, Frank Barknecht a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jul 08, 2010 at 02:13:34AM +0200, Jack wrote:
> > I have a problem with MSD (exactly [MSD2D]). When i send [bang, get
> > massesPos mamasse( to [MSD2D], the output order of the positions of the
> > masses is not the same that the one which was given during the creation.
> Maybe you'd like to test my [physigs] abstraction? It's a pure vanilla
> particle simulation that uses dsp objects to drive the mechanics and
> stores everything in tables, so you always know the particle order. And
> if you only need the order to be able to store positions in tables,
> well, they are already in tables, so you don't need to do any copying.
> [physigs] has shown comparable speeds with pmpd in my tests. It's a bit
> thwarted by the calculation of links which has to fall back to message
> computations, but maybe you don't use links? :)
> Get it at http://github.com/footils/physigs and read my paper on the
> LAC2010 site: http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2010/?page=program
> Ciao

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