On Jul 28, 2010, at 5:18 AM, august wrote:

10th time's a charm! ;) Thanks for spotting that, I needed to run the build on the Mac OS X 10.4/Intel build farm machine, and also add one
more pass to the embed script.  So here's a new build:


And here's how:

ssh pd...@
cd pure-data/trunk/externals/august/readanysf~
make -f Makefile.darwin
cd ..
zip -9r readanysf~.zip readanysf~



        That is the OLD version of readanysf~ that you are compiling.

        The new code can be downloaded here:

        or on the pdlab machine, just go to:

I don't have SVN rights....so maybe you can import the new code. The
        filenames and everything are new, so it'd probably be best just to
        purge the old stuff and punch in the new.

        I also made a new Makefile.  If you just type 'make', it will
        recognize if you are on linux or macosx.  If you are a mac, it will
build and compile the binary package, run the new embed script on it
        (I modified it a bit), and tar.gz the directory.

        The latest binary with the new adjustments I have made can be
        downloaded here for testing:


        Please let me know if this binary version works like the previous


I updated libgavl to 1.1.2 on the Mac build farm machines, so if you
build, there should use it.

I think rather than me or someone importing the code, it would be best if you either requested commit access on pd-dev or set up the readanysf~ code in some other public repo like gitorious, sourceforge, etc. Or you could just maintain it as a tarball. Then we could remove the code from pure-data if its not used. I have far too many little niggly tasks like
this to keep track off...


ok. sorry Hans. I found my sf account again and imported it all myself.

Please check it out and see if it works. Can someone verify that the
new Mac binary works?


I committed some small changes to the Makefile, built it and tested it on 10.4/Intel and it loaded.



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