Hello Meino,

2010/7/31 <meino.cra...@gmx.de>

> Hi,
>  while fighting for a successful compilation of Pd-0.41.4-extended
>  the build process falls over a certain package which I have now
>  decided to exclude.
>  Where can I disable the build and install of packages from
>  Pd-extended?
> What do you mean with "packages"? Building pd depends on some packages (as
I recently learned for example "tk8.*-dev"). You can't exclude them, but you
just need to install them:

$ sudo apt-get install the_package_i_need

If you mean "libraries" or "objects" editing "Makefile" might be helpful.

$ nano Makefile

But then I would rather build pd-0.42-5 and install the external libraries
you need or listen to Hans and build his latest release candidate (I don't
know where he hid the source code). 0.42-5 makes editing a little easier.

>  Thank you very much for any help in advance!
>  Best regards,
>  mcc
> I hope this somehow is an answer to your question. If not I'm sorry for not
understanding your question right.

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