
I was trying with [iem_event],
and it was working, but now I got an error

error: ivnt: no method for 'move_x_y',
(see atached patch)

also, it cant find the help patch for ivnt.pd,
and I had to open the file from the pd patch to figure how it works

now I'm gonna try with gridflow, but I would prefer to work with built-in
externals from pd-extended


2010/8/16 Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca>

> On Mon, 16 Aug 2010, Ariane stolfi wrote:
>  as I can see it can be done with mouse coordinates, but it would be nicer
>> if it was something that could be dragable. I want to make one object to
>> play each chord when the mouse is over, and to be able to select one scale
>> for each music by placing the objects together
>> can I use [iem_event] or [gf/mouse_spy] to do that?
> [gf/mouse_spy] also will reports clicks and unclicks, and you can process
> that with [#mouse] to give you a simple drag-and-drop mechanism, but at the
> same time, it won't prevent pd's own interpretation of mouse clicks in a
> canvas.
> with [#see] you can display a picture in a patch and get the same output as
> [gf/mouse_spy] clipped and translated to the rectangle of the picture.
> (mouse over top left corner of the picture will give 0 0 regardless of the
> position of the picture in the patch).
>  _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
> | Mathieu Bouchard, Montréal, Québec. téléphone: +1.514.383.3801

Attachment: teste1.pd
Description: Binary data

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