The font point sizes do not match up to other apps, so a 12pt font in Pd is not the same size as a 12pt font in a GNOME app. That is because the Pd box sizes are hard coded in pixel sizes. That means that you always get the same size box no matter what platform, or no matter what font you have installed. In order to make this work, the font for a given point size is the largest font that will fit into the fixed box size.

In order for there to be proper font sizing and cross-platform layout, things need to be architected quite a bit differently. I think the best way would be to implement using Tk scaling, then allow the GUI to handle mouse motion, clicks, etc. There are issues there too, its unfortunately not simple. But basically, the communcation between pd and pd-gui should be more about logical actions than positions.

Inconsolata is an awesome font, by far the best fixed-font I've seen anywhere. That's why made Pd use it if it can find it. Otherwise it settles on what Tcl/Tk decides to call "courier" (see Tk font docs).

set testfonts {"Inconsolata" "Courier New" "Liberation Mono" "FreeMono" \
                       "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"}


On Aug 20, 2010, at 1:30 PM, Bernardo Barros wrote:

I would vote for this fixed-spaced (but not ugly) font:

2010/8/20 Frank Barknecht <>:
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 10:17:27AM -0700, Miller Puckette wrote:
I don't know how to do this in a way that's portable across platforms...
this has been a huge unsolved problem for years :)

Hehe, yeah, I'm used to tears. :)

Anyway in my quick test the GUI rewrite seems to have degraded a bit in
this regard, as 0.42 showed the same font size that standard Gtk apps
like Vim use.

But maybe some Gnome users can compare font sizes between Pd and Gtk-
(or Qt) apps and some defaults for Linux can just be adapted?


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