Well I think in a way being treated as not doing my part just for proposing that a basic course could be helpful is not motivating.

that depends how you read the message (or how I put it). main point is, you have the power to make the meetings go to meet your needs. just tell everyone what these are, and it can happen. I wrote that paragraph because you said that you the meetings weren't appealing to you, not because you made a suggestion (which is a good thing).

honestly I started looking for information on line and then I went to the meetings because I feel a bit confusing starting in that way

that is normal, many people stop at that point and turn to something else that is already preformated. part of the journey you need to do alone, an other part you need some external help, that's how it is.

Don´t carry all the weight by yourself there must be somebody able to teach beginners in a regular way (thats also means money for the rent, of course).

there should be, but then it's up to you (and others) to ask the question. if I (we) wanted to convince people to use Pd, something more structured would have been put up. since it's not the case, I (we) am here to help with the way.

I'm myself not against teaching pd regularly, as well. just not on the scope of these meetings.

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