well it is true. The internet is full of outdated and misleading
information. due to its nature linux is ealways evolving, really fast

2010/9/20 simon cossar <scos...@telus.net>

> On Mon, 2010-09-20 at 12:54 +0100, Ricardo Lameiro wrote:
> > Hi Simon,
> > Did you check if the jack server was running properly? and if you
> > where connected to it, use qjackctl or patchage for it. its weird to
> > have that error message with JACK. Did you tried to run Pd with in
> > realtime mode?
> >
> > 2010/9/19 Simon Cossar <scos...@telus.net>
> >         Hello list - I am trying to set up a connection between pure
> >         data, jack, and an edirol fa-101. I am on 64 bit Ubuntu Studio
> >         10.04.1. In the pd console I am getting the message Audio I/O
> >         stuck closing. I had it working with a test signal for a few
> >         minutes last night, but today nothing. I might be in over my
> >         head here, but any help would be appreciated.
> >         Simon
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> > --
> > Fagote / Contrafagote
> > Bassoon / Contra-bassoon
> > http://myspace.com/ricardolameiro
> Hi Ricardo - thank's for the reply. The problem is solved though I'm not
> sure how I solved it. The audio set up is a lot different on ubuntu than
> on a mac - judging by the number of questions about it floating around
> the internet there is general confusion among new users.
> Simon

Fagote / Contrafagote
Bassoon / Contra-bassoon
Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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