Hi, my name is Nic, and I am 15 years old. I am getting into pure
data, and am now into a state of familiarity with the PD interface and
common synthesis methods, along with most of the basic ideas and
knowledge needed to begin patching. I have received quite a bit of
help from the #dataflow irc channel, so everyone from the chat also on
this list, I would like to say thank you! :)

Anyway, the reason I am posting to this list is to ask about the
techniques used in the genre known as microsound, which is explained
in brief detail at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsound

I would like to learn the sort of techniques I can use in PD in
application for the genre, since it seems ideal for such music, since
you can work directly on a sample-by-sample basis. Also, if anyone
here has firsthand experience in the genre, suggestions on books,
media, and examples would be greatly appreciated!

I apologize if this email is a bit forward, or is not correctly
formatted for use in mailing list. This is my first time posting to a
mailing list, so let me know if I did something incorrectly and I
would be very thankful.

Thank you for taking the time to respond!

--a new student in the school of PD :)

Nic AKA nekk

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