
That's simple:

Install pd-extended (Armel version)

There is no OpenGL support on the Freerunner so Gem, pdp, pidip are not 
compiled on this version.

1/ Install dependencies:


dpkg -i debian-multimedia-keyring_2008.10.16_all.deb

nano -w /etc/apt/sources list

and add: "deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny main non-free"


apt-get install x-ttcidfont-conf tcllib libfftw3-3 libflite1 libjack0 
libmp3lame0 libogg0 libspeex1 libvorbis0a libvorbisenc2 libvorbisfile3 tcl8.5 

2/ Install Pd-extended for armel

wget http://www.servideo.org/debian/Pd-0.42.5-extended_light_armel.deb

dpkg -i Pd-0.42.5-extended_light_armel.deb

Note that if you had previously troubles with the dependencies of pd-extended, 
make a "dpkg -P pdextended"

3/ go to:  


and replace 

"Exec=pasuspender -- /usr/bin/pdextended -alsa %F"


"Exec=pdextended -alsa" (<-- depending the space left, you should install also 
alsa-base for that)

or by:

"Exec=pdextended -oss" (<-- my choice)

4/Run Pd-extended or puredata on the Freerunner:

a/ Go to Main Menu > Applications > QX
b/ Select options (white file on the bottom left) and click "favourites"
c/ Select pd-extended
d/ Quit QX and come back to QX
e/ Select "pd-xextended" and set on options the "settings" like for example: 
"prevent suspending", "Prevent screen diming", "Use Window Manager" and "Full 
screen" and save.
f/ Select pd-extended
g/ Launch pd-extended with Options > Launch.

If you want to install puredata instead of pd-extended:

apt-get install puredata



> Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 12:58:45 +0100
> From: o...@ogeem.be
> To: pd-list@iem.at
> Subject: Re: [PD] lowest latency ARM board for Pd
> I would be happy to know how you did install pd on your freerunner... I
> did tried to install from rep (using debian QText v28) and it doesn't
> start, PDa seems too old to install (need osso-esd wich is not available...)
> I had been able to install it before but not anymore :/
> any hints ?
> tks
> Ol.
> ogeem.be
> okno.be
> > Subject: Re: [PD] lowest latency ARM board for Pd
> > To: cosmin O_O <horiacos...@hotmail.com>
> > Cc: pd-list@iem.at
> > Message-ID: <4cdd2b53.9050...@iem.at>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >
> > On 11/12/2010 11:11 AM, cosmin O_O wrote:
> >   
> >> I don't know if I done the good way of measurments, but I've only choose 
> >> the "10ms" option on audio buffer and test some patches to see if the 
> >> sound was correct.
> >> And it was (without cranks).
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > ah i see.
> > the "10ms option" does not mean so much. it only affects the buffer Pd
> > uses internally; the audio-subsystem will add latency on top of that.
> >
> > the only reliable way to test latency is to measure it (by means of cables).
> >
> > which OS are you running on the FreeRunner? FSO? android?
> >
> > fgamr
> > IOhannes
> >
> > -------------- next part --------------
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