What's wrong with the about.pd patch?

--- On Sat, 12/11/10, András Murányi <muran...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: András Murányi <muran...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [PD] L2Ork PD first stable release now available
To: "PD List" <pd-list@iem.at>
Date: Saturday, December 11, 2010, 9:53 PM

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Ivica Ico Bukvic <i...@vt.edu> wrote:

Changes since release candidate 6:

*added apply undo/redo (applies to vanilla objects with properties (e.g.

gatom) plus currently as a test implementation only to the cnv object

from the iemgui set--I will add it to other applicable imegui objects

once the implementation is thoroughly tested).

*added resize handle to the cnv object.

*implemented auto-update of properties window (width/height and in cnv

case also selection area width/height if the properties window is open).

*fixed bug where autoconnect tries to auto-connect cnv objects.

*fixed regression where gatom objects after being duplicated are only

partially selected.

*fixed bug where changing object properties did not result in canvas

being "dirty."

Special thanks to all who have provided invaluable feedback in making

this release as bug-free as possible!


Best wishes,


Hey Ico,

i think this is great. Now that you are releasing it, and have expressed your 
plan to fork from 0.42-5,what do think about:
- having a separate .configfile (with special regard to the fact that some libs 
have to be recompiled for l2ork - now it uses .pdextended which means i'd need 
to change the config each time i start up the other app)

- proudly updating the about box
- eventually: giving the app a new name so it can fully coexist with pdextended 
and pd?


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