ok. since I'm not the one that really can make it happen, just wanted to leave the suggestions.


Those would all be nice features to have, its just a matter of someone making it happen! I'd also like to see Pd-extended be able to make .deb packages with proper depenencies for Pd patches.


On Dec 26, 2010, at 9:02 AM, João Pais wrote:


in a Pd meeting here in Berlin I saw the package Pd patch (or whatever it's called) being run on a Mac. We've seen that the result was an integral copy of pd-ext (183Mb) with the patch included. In case someone is going to continue working on this feature, may I give some options?

- besides the vanilla library, to pack only the used objects? Pd has for 8000 files in it, and most of them aren't really necessary for all patches
- is this feature going to be available for all plattforms?
- will it be possible to create not only a folder with pd+patch, but a kind of enclosed package, where the user sees only one program and has only to click on it? (this might be tricker to do in windows or maybe unix, but on mac seems to be easy with the folder as package setup)



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