I tried running the non-supreme burrito version by running ./pd-l2ork 
from the console and got an empty tk window with the following errors 
to the terminal window:
tcl: /home/dude/Desktop/libmobiledevice/pd/bin/pd.tk: can't open script
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_pd_startup"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"
invalid command name "pdtk_post"


--- On Wed, 12/29/10, Ivica Ico Bukvic <i...@vt.edu> wrote:

> From: Ivica Ico Bukvic <i...@vt.edu>
> Subject: [PD-dev] PD L2Ork 20101229 snapshot now available
> To: linux-audio-annou...@lists.linuxaudio.org, l...@lists.linuxaudio.org, 
> l...@lists.linuxaudio.org, pd-list@iem.at, pd-...@iem.at, 
> l2ork-...@disis.music.vt.edu, u...@disis.music.vt.edu, pik...@piksel.no
> Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 9:57 PM
> Please excuse cross-posting.
> Dear friends and fellow FOSS enthusiasts,
> It is my great pleasure to share with the community a
> belated Holiday
> present :-) in a form of latest snapshot of L2Ork iteration
> of
> Pure-Data. Better than ever, the latest version comes with
> the following
> improvements:
> *implemented apply undo for array properties and partially
> implemented
> apply undo for graph-on-parent object properties (does not
> apply to
> abstractions or top-level windows currently until I figure
> out how to
> address the indexing of toplevel windows inside the glist
> as well as how
> to address to which window such an undo belongs).
> *properties are disabled when right-clicking on an
> abstraction as
> modifying its settings externally does not make sense when
> one does not
> see the actual contents inside it. So, to edit the
> properties of an
> abstraction, one has to open the actual abstraction.
> *fixed how new arrays are created so that they always fit
> within the
> specified boundaries. Please note arrays that have been
> already created
> in prior patches remain untouched in terms of graph
> auto-resizing
> (legacy code is provided in g_editor.c canvas_vis that
> deals with this
> if anyone wishes to convert their arrays but is incomplete
> in that it
> assumes all arrays require resizing--this is however
> unnecessary as
> simple recreation of said arrays or manual readjustment of
> their
> settings ought to do the trick.
>     -This feature needs further
> testing--feedback is most appreciated.
> *fixed how arrays deal with moving array points via mouse
> by restricting
> them within the array bounds--this should work for all
> gui-driven array
> operations, while array alterations via snapshots and other
> external
> ways of manipulating arrays remain unbound so as to allow
> for
> traditional data-flow debugging--this may change down the
> road in part
> due to introduction of the magicGlass option and in part
> due to belief
> that data monitoring should only report ranges specified by
> the graph.
>     -This feature needs further
> testing--feedback is most appreciated.
> *added new feature for arrays where they report a bang
> through the
> <arrayname>_changed send (if one is provided)
> whenever they have been
> altered by a mouse click'n'drag--this in conjunction with
> array graph
> auto-resizing makes arrays formidable alternatives for
> multisliders.
>     -This feature needs further
> testing--feedback is most appreciated.
> *when an array subpatch is opened and resized, the array
> automatically
> now resizes to properly fill the window.
>     -This feature needs further
> testing--feedback is most appreciated.
> *fixed where array was not visible after reopening the
> patch if any of
> its points touched upon y graph limits.
> *fixed couple of segfaults caused by gridflow
> incompatibility--more
> problems remain with gridflow library compatibility, likely
> due to
> widgetbehavior  and possibly also magicGlass
> incompatibility. Further
> investigation is necessary.
> *fixed memory leak in the disis_phasor~ external where the
> destructor
> was never properly called and updated its documentation
> (available in
> the l2ork_addons package).
> *fixed highlighting of signal nlets where nlet would revert
> to
> non-signal appearance after being highlighted/connected.
> *reintroduced array listview (this was a regression in
> respect to
> pd-extended).
> *improved appearance of the array listview.
> *fixed a few broken links in the pddp documentation and
> added new
> l2ork-specific array features to the pddp documentation.
> Latest snapshot is available from the usual place:
> http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/main/?page_id=56
> Complete changelog since 11/25/2010 is available here:
> http://l2ork.music.vt.edu/data/pd/Changelog
> Happy belated Holidays!
> Best wishes,
> Ico
> _______________________________________________
> Pd-dev mailing list
> pd-...@iem.at
> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev


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