On Mon, Jan 03, 2011 at 03:11:03PM +0000, Andy Farnell wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jan 2011 14:34:08 +0100
> IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > On 01/03/2011 01:39 PM, ronni montoya wrote:
> > > Hello,  i like the distorsion effect that i get when i  turn up the
> > > amplitude of a freeverb~  until it clips the signal.
> > > The sound is interesting but the problem is that since its  clipping
> > > it affects all the other sound pd is generating.
> > > 
> > > My question is:
> > > 
> > > How can i replicate that distorsion effect in a way that it doesnt
> > > affect the others sounds?
hey, try using softclip --[expr~ tanh($v1)]
there many things you can do with this :))

you can try filtering and apply different
distortions to different sections of the
spectrum .. for exaple. The distortions
you would get by overdriving [dac~] is
probably quite basic really..

but you said that you were using [freeverb~] ?
hm ..may be freeverb does some softclipping
internally ..

> > 
> > well, make sure that the effect appears with no other sound involved.
> > e.g. what you are describing seems like you are saturating the [dac~].
> > now what you are sending to the dac is a sum of all signals, and this
> > sum is then saturated (if the absolute sum of your signals is >1 and the
> > sound-infrastructure you are using cannot handle floating point signals)
> The gotchya is that different sound systems handle >1(FSD) in differenmt
> ways. So using [clip~], although offering portable results, is sometimes
> not the same as overdriving the DAC. Symptom - you get a great sound
> that using [clip~] cannot substitute.
> But I learned that you must never rely on the results of overdriving
> an unknown system back when moving a piece written on a linux-ALSA
> 386 PC with a soundblaster card to a Mac with an external firewire 
> sound interface - totally different sound. I never did discover exactly
> why, though I guess the signal, was finding its way into either signed 
> or unsigned ints at different stages and getting wrapped or truncated
> in either case.
> The lesson is, make sure you get the sound exactly how you like with
> plenty of headroom to spare.
> > 
> > therefore, the perceived effect depends on all signals sent to the dac.
> > 
> > the solution is of course to make the effect happen without involving
> > all signals and then scale it back so that the sum of all signals does
> > not trigger another distortion.
> > 
> > > Is there a external that recreates that type of distorsion?
> > 
> > no. you can do that with vanilla Pd objects, e.g. [clip~]
> > Pd itself has plenty of objects to do most complicated stuff, often
> > there is no need to resort to an external
> > (otoh, even though you can do the requested thing with Pd-vanilla just
> > fine, i'm sure that there is an external that does what you need)
> Maybe looking at some distortion techniques using table lookups
> might get you a similar sound.

Oh, speaking f distortions ..it such a wide subject really ..
I better go to bed before I get to excited!

> > fgmsdrt
> > IOhannes
> > 
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> Andy Farnell <padawa...@obiwannabe.co.uk>
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