Oh, and does it have to be generative, or can it be a fixed score?
Download "Bleep" from my webpage - the score is a bunch of jpegs.

 Metastudio 4 for Pure Data - coming soon!
Metastudio 3 still available at http://sharktracks.co.uk/

From: J bz <jbee...@gmail.com>
To: Ed Kelly <morph_2...@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Tue, 4 January, 2011 10:01:08
Subject: Re: [PD] Musical notation object on Pd

Hi Ed,

Hope you don't mind me writing to you directly...

I was following this thread with interest, and have been checking your 
for your upcoming project with much interest.  Hope it's all going well.

I'm looking for a .ttf for rendering very simple notation - notes, rests etc 
without the need for barlines.  Could you recommend one, as I have been 
floundering somewhat and going round in circles trying to get one that works 
happily in pd & GEM?

Also, I have recently upgraded my lappy to a dual core machine and I noticed 
from your screenshot that you are also a fellow puredyner.  You had, in your 
screenshot, a rather funky looking gizmo that, if I read it correctly, measures 
the use of the dual cores - what is that thing!:)

Very best wishes,

Julian Brooks

On 7 November 2010 12:36, Ed Kelly <morph_2...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Since there are already some projects going through in this area (e.g. pwgl or
>>inscore), wouldn't it
>> make sense to try to integrate with these, or try to help them, instead of
>>reinventing the wheel?
>Perhaps, but consider this:
>The performer I am working with is a percussionist, and excellent at
>sight-reading music. However, he's not by any stretch of the imagination a
>programmer, and the idea of giving him command-line compilation issues to deal
>with, or complex connectivity between packages, would kill the project straight
>away. From me he needs to receive, via email, a PD patch that will just work. 
>other libraries are "wrapped" into PD i.e. externals are made and integrated
>into a future PD-extended, then these might provide some practical options for
>me to work with classical musicians who aren't programmers (and the majority of
>them are not). However, for the time being I am limited to that which can be
>rendered by the current PD-extended straight out of the (in)box, without any
>modifications to the computer it is running on.
>That is why I'm building a system that uses just GEM and a truetype font, which
>can be made into a single package and distributed to the performer of my piece.
>If I had institutional support perhaps I could envisage something more complex
>to work, but I have been unlucky in that respect. I could either give up, or 
>to find a practical solution that works both for me and for a non-computer geek
>classically trained player. I choose the latter because I want to make music.
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