     During the week of April 25-30 in Los Angeles, CrashSpace LA and New 
Blankets Inc
will be hosting "pd_LAunch" -- a gala-grassroots festival of events to 
celebrate the
launch of a puredata/Max patching circle in LA. This new LA patching circle 
will be hosted
by CrashSpace LA.

     We will be providing regular updates about pd_LAunch on pd list and 
elsewhere -- many
arrangements are still in-progress.  But please spread the word to those you 
know who may
be interested -- whether they live in LA and may become patching-circle 
"regulars" -- or
if they live anywhere in the world and just want to be part of the pd_LAunch 

     The main purpose of this preliminary/early announcement is to help you in 
travel plans, etc. if you need to.  We especially welcome members of other 
circles (from other cities, other countries) to join us in LA and share your 
and inspiration. At the moment, we have set up an an e-mail address: 
where you can express your interest, support, plans-to-attend and other helpful 

     Because the physical facilities at CrashSpace are fairly small and other 
venues are
still being negotiated, it's VERY IMPORTANT that you RSVP "yes" right away if 
you plan to
join us April 25 - 30 in LA.(Kindly make your RSVP via the email address: 

We request that you also use the "launch" e-mail address especially to express 
interest in
topics for workshops and/or demonstrations that you would be interested in 
attending. (See
suggestions below.) Or you can use the e-mail to ask particular questions, to 
travel and lodging advice and assistance etc.)

     All pd_LAunch events will be "free and open" to everyone, as much as space 
facilities permit.  For some events that will be limited by space, we will be 
some signup lists -- details forthcoming.

     We would also request that when you RSVP "yes" you would consider making a
contribution to secure some of the spaces and amenities we will need.  A 
contribution is $50 USD.  We welcome your contribution to this effort, with 
money or ideas
or other help, even if you cannot get to LA in person.  We can all support the 
patching-circle there. (Money contributions, of whatever amount, should be made 
to New
Blankets Inc. which is a U.S. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization; so your 
contributions are
tax deductible if/as those laws apply to you.)

     Some events and highlights already planned:

         - VIP guests: Miller Puckette, Hans-Christoph Steiner, Chris 
McCormick, Natacha Diehls
             ... more invitations are "in the hopper" as well.

         - Opening reception/build/video-slam at UCSD with Miller Puckette 
Monday April 25
           (San Diego)

         - "puredata gym-full" Family Night at the Long Beach Boys and Girls 
            Wednesday Apr 27

         - panel discussion with Miller Puckette and puredata developers 
           afternoon Apr 30

         - concert/party/reception "Music with Miller Puckette and Friends" 
           evening Apr 30 (Miller Puckette, Natacha Diehls, Chris McCormick and 
more ...)

         - workshops and demonstrations by Hans Steiner, Chris McCormick, 
Miller Puckette
           and others are being arranged ...  These will be based on what the 
           indicate and depending on what spaces/venues in LA can be arranged. 
(Some spaces larger
           than the CrashSpace location may be required.)

         - A "goody bag" and other items available for pd_LAunch
           sponsors/RSVP'rs/contributors to include a 20-lecture puredata video 
course by
           Miller Puckette, pd_LAunch souvenirs made on the CrashSpace 
Makerbots, live-USB
           sticks ready to boot-up and run Linux/pd on any computer etc etc.

         - "Store-front music" a transformation of the street-front of 
CrashSpace into an
          interactive puredata experience, following up on the CrashSpace 
smash-hit effort for
          VIMBY. (Get your patch out on the street ...)

Mark your calendars.  Plan to join us in LA.  All your efforts to help start a 
patching circle in LA are welcome.  Let us know if we can help with travel, 
lodging or
other arrangements if you are coming to LA from afar.

     Workshops/demos being planned (Please suggest others if you like; all 
involve pd/Max patching):

       - pd for beginners tutorials
       - homemade-computer instruments "petting zoo" at the Boys and Girls Club
       - GEM and interactive graphics
       - WebPd -- pd with your web browser
       - android -- pd on your phone/handheld
       - motion-interfacing with the Kinect 3D camera
       - arduino/pduino for real-world interaction and robotics

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