IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> Also, I started coding a "get" method for canvases, which happens to do 
>> what Miller describes in his comment about the above patch.
> so in the meantime you can either apply a diff to the sources of Pd, recompile
> Pd and change your patch accordingly, so it is incompatible with all past 
> versions of Pd (and
> probably a number of future versions of Pd as well), or use [f] to store the
> values of [tgl] and query them via bang, change your patch accordingly and be
> happy.
> i'm not saying that things should be kept deliberately complicated, but it is
> really simple to implement what you need with what is there.

This question made me think. Is there a kind of reverse [route] object?
What I mean is something like:

[name_of_the_object_im_thinking_of 10]

Would create 10 inlets and 1 outlet. Sending "something" through inlet n
would output "n somwthing" which could for instance be saved in an array
eventually be re-used with a [route] etc.

This is of course easily created for a known number of "somethings" but
dynamic (as rout is) would be nice.

Hopefully I managed to explain what I mean.

> mfdst
> IOhannes
> PS: you could also "double bang" the toggle, which wil give you the current
> value and will restore this value. or use "bang" + "set <value>" to restore 
> the
> original.
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