I think some of the issue might be with
 anything there is the notion of ownership
one feels via participation
Generated by years upon years of work
and cultivation
Should see it's debut as such
might tweak us a bit. But even if I don't dig the guys stuff,
Pd is everywhere.

Patrick Pagano B.S.,M.F.A
Digital Media Engineer
UF Digital Worlds Institute

On Jun 23, 2011, at 12:40 PM, "Jonathan Wilkes" 
<jancs...@yahoo.com<mailto:jancs...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

The only point that's not irrelevant is that you can load up soundfiles without 
needing a new physical object for each one.

It's not musically interesting that it takes up less room.

That the patch can become something else is a distraction from the particularly 
narrow point I'm making, which is that it fits the definition of technological 
parody offered up on this list. (If you have to change the patch to make it do 
something musically interesting, then we're no longer talking about that 
tutorial; we're talking about a new patch.)

But we both see the larger point of that patch as an expression of some of the 
strengths of Pd. And we both realize that with very few tweaks it can be made 
to make interesting sounds that surpass what could (easily) be done on a 
turntable. It's clearly a successful tutorial patch, and in that context I see 
absolutely no reason to change it.

Calling the patch a technological parody doesn't mean anything good or bad-- 
it's simply a fact. So again, I fail to see how one can merely use that term to 
criticize something, or how another can read the term and understand the upshot 
of that criticism. I think it's lazy and lacks substance-- especially troubling 
seeing how it first appeared as a response to the work of a newcomer to the 
list (I think).


From: Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca<mailto:ma...@artengine.ca>>;
To: Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com<mailto:jancs...@yahoo.com>>;
Cc: <pd-list@iem.at<mailto:pd-list@iem.at>>; Cody Loyd 
Subject: Re: [PD] Pd performance at TED
Sent: Thu, Jun 23, 2011 12:38:38 PM

On Wed, 22 Jun 2011, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:

> If you don't think so, then please tell me what you can do with that patch 
> that's so musically interesting that it would warrant buying a modern digital 
> computer instead of a turntable.

Because it takes a lot less room, the sound doesn't have to be recorded on 
vinyl or shellac or whatever, and the scratching device can be easily 
transformed in a multitude of closely-related devices that aren't like 
turntables anymore. Then you can save those devices and share them with 
like-minded people on pd-list without having to pay kilodollars of shipping.

You already have a modern digital computer for other reasons, so, it's 
irrelevant to think of what would be the rationale for buying one.

And anyway, it's been a while that we can think of turntables as being parodies 
of what can be done with [tabread~] or any other kind of array subscript.

| Mathieu Bouchard ---- tél: +1.514.383.3801 ---- Villeray, Montréal, QC
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