
does anybody know which would be the most efficient kernel for low latency
with Ubuntu Studio on Lucid?

- generic
- generic-pae
- realime

(BTW I am using Pd-extended 0.42.5 on an Athlon II X2 dual core with one
audio patch and one separate Gem patch connected with netsend / netreceive)

I am not sure if the realtime kernel is any more optimized than the regular
Ubuntu Studio generic kernel since it hasn't been updated in a while.
Can the generic-pae kernel actually slow down Pd or is this more of a
theoretical additional delay in addressing the extended memory?
I am using 4GB of ram but could live with 3.2GB if the non pae kernel is

I have made the experience that I need the proprietary ATI graphic drivers
for smooth audio playback. I'm not sure if these drivers can interfere with
the realtime kernel and make it even less efficient than the generic kernel.

It takes a lot of time to actually try out all of these options. So, any
experience would be greatly appreciated!


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