
Mario Mey wrote:
Trying to compile PureData, SVN, on Ubuntu 11.04 AMD64, following the instruction from the page http://puredata.info/docs/developer, I did:

1.- rsync from the auto-build farm (from http://puredata.info/docs/developer/GettingPdSource)
rsync -av --delete rsync:// pd-extended/

2.- Preparing Ubuntu: http://puredata.info/docs/developer/UbuntuMaverick

3.- Building PD-Extended: http://puredata.info/docs/developer/BuildingPdExtended

But there's no .tar.bz2 or .deb on pure-data/packages/linux-make/build... These are the last lines while compilling. What should I do? I don't understand...
/[...] CUT [...]
WorkerThread.cpp: In member function ‘bool gem::thread::WorkerThread::PIMPL::start()’: WorkerThread.cpp:135:22: error: aggregate ‘gem::thread::WorkerThread::PIMPL::start()::timeval sleep’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
WorkerThread.cpp:139:28: error: ‘select’ was not declared in this scope

I also encountered exactly that error (on debian wheezy amd64).

Quick super-hackish-politically-un-correct work-around whgo through the compile (but not sure if then everything will work):

- cd to ./externals/Gem/src/Gem/ within the pd-extended dir
- edit the file WorkerThread.cpp and add #include <sys/time.h> at around line 43 (after #include <iostream>)
- Save file
- cd to the scrips dir again
- edit pd-extended-release-auto-builder.sh
- comment out the line rsync_distro "$auto_build_root_dir" (line 42 here)
#rsync_distro "$auto_build_root_dir"
- start the script:
- go get a cup of coffee ... go get dinner ... go get a bath ... :-)
- build should get through and you should have the deb including gem and gem related

But it seems Pd has some problem with standard objects (maybe due to previous versions)


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