On Jul 18, 2011, at 4:28 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:


Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Hey Lorenzo,

It would be great to have your codeblocks setup as part of the
standard template.  I've never used Codeblocks, so I don't know
anything about it. Does it use a simple file that can be checked into
SVN?  Does it use the Makefile or have its own build system?
Honestly I'm not sure :-)... It does have 'projects' like many IDEs and you can configure build options from within the gui. I'm not sure if it would make sense to have some sample projects in SVN, maybe in the wiki
if there is interest in using that IDE (it is corss platform with more
of an less stable thing on macs).

On problem with Windows IIRC was having to use absolute paths for the
.lib and .dll files etc.

My guess is that you can use the Windows env vars like %ProgramFiles% and %CommonFiles% to help in this situation.

FYI, the template also handles one-source-file externals, and wraps
all the needed files (binary, source file, help file, meta file) into
a single easy-to-manage folder.  For examples, check out bassemu~,
plugin~, freeverb~.

I think if the template works maybe it is better to have that as a

Does CodeBlocks work well using an external Makefile? If so, then yes, its probably best if there was a wiki howto on how to setup CodeBlocks to use the Library Template.




On Jul 15, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:


Sorry to drift the topic slightly... but I guess it might be of
interest: when having to compile a 1-source-file external in windows I
successfully managed with Codeblocks IDE and MinGW. If anyone is
interested I have an example 'project' somewhere.


luca paganotti wrote:
Hi all,

i'm beginning hacking pd externals, I'm trying to use Eclipse Helios
(3.6) with

 1. CDT Version:
    Build id: 201102110609
 2. pd-extended 0.42.5
 3. MingW installed using mingw-get so I think the last stable
    version (gnu make 3.82, gcc 4.2.5 etc ...)

So i made a simple c project in eclipse using the first tutorial files i found on the pd-extended source distribution (helloworld.c and the
Makefile in the same folder)

I modified the Makefile to set the PDROOT path for my windows box,
defined the targets clean, pd_nt in my eclipse project, setup the
libraries, the include paths and the library path and I think i had
done this coherently ...

but ... I get 'undefined reference' (s) for all the pd symbols that
are used by helloworld.c i.e. pd_new, gensym, class_new,
class_addbang, post

I really know that it should be a trivial path problem but I'm not
able to understand my mistake so if anyone can drive me to correct it
i will appreciate.

Thanks by now

P.S. please forgive my english

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