i compiled Pd-0.43.0 on a gumstix overo running ubuntu 11.04 armel distro.
I patches the sources as stated in this thread:
but starting pd releases the watchdog from the doghouse resulting in a stagnancy of 
"watchdog: signaling pd..." messages.
i also tried the -noaudio option or -nogui option and pd-0.42-6 but all the 
same result...
due to my research the watchdog thing has something to do with cpu consumption though as there's no dsp happening yet i don't know how to convince pd not to use that much cpu - or is there any configure option for arm processor that i missed?
similar settings on the angström distro works out but there're other non pd 
things missing.

any hint welcome

olsen@retortenheber:~/pd/pd-0.43-0/bin$ ./pd -verbose
Pd-0.43.0 ("") compiled 13:14:49 Aug  1 2011
port 5400
TCL_LIBRARY="../lib/tcl/library" TK_LIBRARY="../lib/tk/library"   wish 
"../tcl//pd-gui.tcl" 5400
was... 1
Waiting for connection request...
... connected
OSS: issuing first ADC 'read' ... ...done.
watchdog: signaling pd...
watchdog: signaling pd...

olsen@retortenheber:~/pd/pd-0.43-0/bin$ ./pd -verbose -noaudio
Pd-0.43.0 ("") compiled 13:14:49 Aug  1 2011
port 5400
TCL_LIBRARY="../lib/tcl/library" TK_LIBRARY="../lib/tk/library"   wish 
"../tcl//pd-gui.tcl" 5400
was... 1
Waiting for connection request...
... connected
watchdog: signaling pd...
watchdog: signaling pd...

ETs DNA will not be televised

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