On 08/28/2011 06:41 PM, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Aug 2011, IOhannes zmölnig wrote:
>> Gem currently does not compile with mingw (see recent postings on
>> gem-dev@), but it would be a nice feature to have for 0.94 (help would
>> be appreciated; hint, hint :-))
> It's not that I would like to have the option of compiling Gem in MinGW,
> it's that I would like the default builds of Gem to be able to
> communicate with GridFlow. So it's either that Gem binaries for Windows
> all use MinGW, or that a workaround is created so that anything that
> communicates with Gem can do it without being compiled in MSVC.
> Otherwise, it would mean that GEM users who want to try GF have to
> reinstall a different GEM than default just to have something that runs
> with MinGW.

i'm aware of the problem. however,
the problem is the solution.


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