Diana Deutsch is another good source. She has papers and a textbook, Psychology of Music. From what I know the academic tome is Bregman's Auditory Scene Analysis. There are a couple of illustrations included in Pd-extended, Help Browser -> Manuals -> Cognition. They are kind of rough.

If anyone wants to improve those patches or contribute more, I'll include them.


On Aug 31, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Andy Farnell wrote:

There are many. Short patterns are the probe of choice
for experiments to map aural cognitive abilities.

See all these

Van Noorden - streaming integration
Reiss Jones and Yee - attending
Crowder  - memory
Bigand - segmentation
Warren - order, length, integrative perception
Bregman - scene analysis

in Thinking in Sound, McAdams and Bigand 1993 Oxford University Press
If you're looking for a school experiment you'll find plenty of ideas
there, and further references.


On Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:50:13 -0700
adam sanches <adam.sanc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, i was wondering if there are any psychoacustic studies related to
repetition of short patterns.
Do you know any autor, text or book related to this? any idea would be



Andy Farnell <padawa...@obiwannabe.co.uk>

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