On 03/10/2011 20:13, Nicola Pandini wrote:
Il 03/10/2011 19:33, Mathieu Bouchard ha scritto:
Le 2011-10-03 à 19:29:00, Nicola Pandini a écrit :

Hi, I'm trying to build a patch that routes notes, CCs and pitch bend
from a keyboard to different synths.
Everything is ok for notes and CCs, but I have a problem with the
pitch bend.
It seems that [bendout] can outputs only a range between 0 and 16384,
while the correct range should be -8192 +8192.
I tried to force negative values but it seems that bendout can't go
below 0.

use [- 8192]

because 0-8192 = -8192
and because 16383-8192 = 8191

that is, in unsigned values, 8192 is the middle of the range.

You right, but I already tried this:

#N canvas 93 232 450 300 10;
#X obj 82 77 bendin;
#X obj 82 102 - 8192;
#X obj 82 130 bendout 1;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
#X connect 1 0 2 0;

And bendout had only a range from 0 to 8192, it didn't go below 0.

Strange I tested (with rosegarden and gmidimonitor) on 0.43 and it worked outputting the whole range -8191 to 8192.

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