>From: Epic Jefferson <jeffreyconcepc...@gmail.com>
>To: stei...@block4.com
>Cc: pd-list@iem.at
>Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:54 AM
>Subject: Re: [PD] OT: CSound for Live
>i think it's more about convincing some of the AL users to experiment with 
>these other forms of playing with sound, letting them know that it's possible 
>to go further. And building a nice bridge for them. Personally, i'm currently 
>in the process of switching completely to Pd from AL. But Max4Live was useful 
>to me for a moment. I've been wanting to get in to Csound or Supercollider or 
>Chuck (can't decide which one to pursue)

If it's realtime DSP you're after, choose Supercollider.  Unlike Csound it was 
originally built for real time processing, and unlike ChucK it has a huge 
library of whatever the Supercollider equivalent is for Pd externals.


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