----- Original Message -----
> From: IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>
> To: pd-list@iem.at
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2011 4:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [PD] symbol2list leading zero
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2011-11-02 18:06, rolf meesters wrote:
>>  hi,
>>  i'm using
>>  [symbol2list -]
>>  |
>>  |    [symbol(
>>  |    |
>>  |
>>  [list2symbol]
>>  on something like 00-ab-87-02.
>>  the result becomes 0ab872.
>>  so, i'm losing the leading zero's.
>>  in other words the symbol '00' is handled like a number,
>>  probably any symbol that looks like a number is immediately treated like
>>  that.
>>  which, in the case above is unexpected (at least for me).
> the idea is, that [symbol2list] breaks a symbol into a list of _atoms_,
> which are then evaluated the same way as ordinary lists (though i'm not
> sure whether it is implemented that way...)
> e.g. is you create a message [list 00 ab 87 02( the 1st and last element
> of the list will evaluate to numbers (and thus "lose" their leading 
> zeros).
> does this come unexpected to you?
> however, it might be worth considering a "symbol only" mode of the
> object, that will never try to convert a token into a number but always
> keep it a symbol.

That would be useful.


>>  would it then be necessary, working with texts, always to check if 
> one's
>>  not accidentally losing zero's?
> btw, you are not "losing" any zeros.
> whether your pay cheque says "100,-€" or 
> "000000000000100,-€" does not
> make any difference, when it comes to buying your marmite. those numbers
> are exactly the same.
> if you need "00-ab" to split into two 2-character strings 
> "00" and "ab"
> and want to use [symbol2list], you could simply convert all the numbers
> you got to 2-char strings by using [makefilename %02d]
> mfgasdr
> IOhannes
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