[splitfilename] is indeed my friend.


On 24 January 2012 20:44, Julian Brooks <jbee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Batinste & Martin,
> Many thanks for your responses...
> Will investigate splitfilename further and Martin's suggestions (I had
> looked at the help file honest:).
> I obviously need to think this through further but what I would really
> like is something that not only gives me access to the data that's being
> transferred via OSC but will also simplify reading who is doing what rather
> than it being like the last Galaxian on the screen flying past at 80mph -
> but instead of a few pixels it's a bloody huge string of text.
> Hmmm.
> Thinking aloud here but is there a way of making a static list which would
> only update when a new OSC address appeared from the incoming messages
> which I could then copy and paste into [select] or similar?
> Half the problem here is definitely making some sense out of the many
> messages I'm receiving.
> Cheers,
> Julian
> On 24 January 2012 13:41, Martin Peach <martin.pe...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> You can use wild cards like [routeOSC /*/*/noteon ] or use a [set /x/y/z(
>> message to dynamically set [routeOSC]'s path(s).
>> Martin
>> On 2012-01-24 06:46, Julian Brooks wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm looking for something that can quickly trim fairly long lists of
>>> incoming OSC messages, for example:
>>> slime/user/sb/app/renoise/**midichannel/3/noteon/38 127
>>> So that I can just get at '38 127'?
>>> Theses lists are dynamic, so it's not possible to have them setup
>>> beforehand apart from the 1st couple of strings.
>>> I'm currently using a simple abstraction
>>> [r $2]
>>> |
>>> [routeOSC $1]
>>> |
>>> [s $3]
>>> that trims them down by copying and pasting (I also have a [print]
>>> connected to the incoming messages) but it takes too long to get to the
>>> data I want and it's hard to follow with so many messages flying past
>>> the terminal.
>>> This is for an improvisation system with several other people so there's
>>> lots of data swooshing about, wondering if anyone has any experience
>>> using OSC in this type of environment?
>>> All tips, pointers, examples and patches gratefully accepted.
>>> Very best wishes,
>>> Julian
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