On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Mathieu Bouchard <ma...@artengine.ca> wrote:
> Le 2012-02-02 à 19:13:00, Mike Moser-Booth a écrit :
>> I don't think this is entirely accurate. I think a and c should be
>> switched here, though of course when finding b²-4ac that doesn't
>> really matter.
> It depends whether you write ax²+bx+c or a+bx+cx². Both forms are
> convenient, and the latter expands better in cases of variable degrees
> (letters don't get renamed when adding a term), but the former is more
> common for cases that have only a degree fixed at 2 or 3.

Ah, okay.

>> Also, when applying a gain to a recursive filter, it's not really the same
>> as scaling all the coefficients. If you were to scale them first, then the
>> gain would affect the feedback portions of the filter. Applying the gain
>> after means the feedback samples are not scaled by the gain.
> Those filters are all linear. This means that you can effectively commute
> them with a constant gain [*~] without any difference. However, it will make
> a difference when the gain of [*~] changes quickly while the main input
> changes too.

Right. I was just saying that, if you separate the gain from the
filter, the gain has to be applied at the input or the output. It's a
single operation. So if you incorporate it into the filter, scaling
the feedback coefficients has the effect of making it multiple
operations. Or at least that's how I understand it, anyway.

At any rate, the only reason I picked up on that in your previous
email is because I wanted to plot the frequency response of [bp~], and
at first I just applied the gain to all the coefficients without
thinking about. It didn't work. Then I remembered the gain should just
be applied to the FIR part of the filter, and it worked fine.

>> If you think of it in terms of its transfer function, it would look
>> more like this: H(z) = g*(1 / (1 - 2r*cos(ω)*(z^-1) + r^2 * z(^-2) ))
> Well, I was thinking of it in terms of 1/H(z) or 1/gH(z).
> But are you sure that you got the signs right in the denominator ?

Pretty sure, though I mess that up all the time. Aren't you supposed
change the signs of the feedback coefficients when z-transforming the
difference equation?


Mike Moser-Booth - mmoserbo...@gmail.com
Master's Student in Music Technology
Schulich School of Music, McGill University
Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance" -Derek Bok

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