On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:32:44AM -0400, William Brent wrote:
I'm also wondering about the timing of tabread4~'s offset inlet being
updated.  I get fewer clicks by tossing most of the patch into a
subpatch with [block~ 1].  I haven't checked really carefully, but
that does seem to make it so that clicks only occur where there are
gaps in the log.txt file.

This also is the reason for the 181 msec clicks I get. Replacing the whole
[list-sub] construction with a simple [$1, $2 $3( between [textfile] and
[vline~] gives a nice and clean sound, except at the turnaround points where
clicks are expected anyway.

The offset-index of [tabread4~] is a message inlet that is not timing accurate, [tabread4~] will use the value from here at a different time than [vline~] uses
its own copy of the value, leading to clicks.

Very strange. In the computer I am now, I do hear the regular clicks, but I didn't heard them before.

The offset of [tabread4~] was there to avoid any reading errors when the index points get too high (the whole sample is almost 7m long). So there's not option for this, but to use only the right entry?

I was watching the recorded result of the test patch, and the clicks in the direction change happen, even though the recorded wave is simmetrical. I though that the result would be a continous wave with no clicks, but where did I go wrong? I guess the corner in the wave, even being symmetrical, always produces a click, right?


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