On 07/31/2012 12:47 AM, Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
Hi, thanks for your interest. Please see my comments below...

Hi Ico

Well, I guess that is relative depending on what information format works
the best for you  (something that is impossible to do in a way that pleases
everyone) and at least in part how carefully you read the instructions

my sincere apologies for not properly reading the website (== with eyes closed) and writing an email to the list while I'm under job pressure. also for making you repeating half of the webpage here!

I don't think using an archive name
different than its main folder name is a good idea really)

This is leftover to mimic the svn of the pd-extended for those who are
comfortable with its file structure.

that somehow makes sense but I still find this "unnatural".

- is there an "unbloated" version of pd-l2ork?

Again, read the site. The second entry under the pd-l2ork heading states:

Core Pd-L2Ork source snapshot (v.20120730)
Core PD source only
Does not include pd-extended-specific externals and documentation
Does not include L2Ork specific abstractions or additional precompiled
Git repository available here
Indeed. 15MB is only core pd source. 27MB is fully binary distro, and 130MB
is complete source with all the externals and libs and additional build

ok, this is what confused me.
I was expecting the following on your github repo:
pd-l2ork-core-source + l2ork-externals sources + pd-l2ork abstractions and a pd-l2ork README.

- about L2Ork Folder Structure: do you really create 2 new user
accounts when installing pd-l2ork?

No one creates any new users. It is simply designed to install system-wide.
If you look at the build scripts, you could create a binary that installs
inside your own home folder if you like. I simply have not messed with that
option as I prefer the system-wide setup for which all the prebuilt configs
are also adjusted for. Assistance in testing/expanding this is as always

ok, this was not clear from the website..

I wish there was just a git repo with one README.
3 lines in my terminal et voilĂ  ;)

There is a git repo you can pull from, as I mentioned above. There are
3-line instructions, as stated above, including building from source (which
is identical to regular pd). Not sure what else I could've provided to make
this any easier for you assuming you took a few minutes to read what was

as stated above, I expected one repo to rule them all (well, maybe not with pd-extended externals but at least everything pd-l2ork related).

BTW, do you have a version control for pd-l2ork externals?

thanks for taking the time to reply :)



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