Hey, thanks a lot for providing this package!
After I tested Pd 43-2 (apt-get install puredata) on Raspbian/Wheezy (where the 
sound is chopped up, BTW) 
I'm trying to solve the dependencies for this package which gives me a bit of a 
However I turn it, libmp3lame0 can't be resolved.
Any hint is appreciated.
Thanks, Michael.
PS: Going through the list of dependencies I wonder if they're really all 
But that may be well just me, as I'm used to Pd on Mac OS X ;-)

On 14.6.2012, at 21:35 , Tedb0t wrote:

> For convenience, I uploaded the package (.deb) here:
> http://download.puredata.info/pd-extended-rpi/releases/1.0/Pd-0.43.1-extended-20120606.deb/view
> If anyone else has a Raspberry Pi, can you download this and try installing 
> it?  Thanks!
> —t3db0t
> On Jun 14, 2012, at 3:08 PM, Marco Donnarumma wrote:
>> That's great! thanks for sharing, and keep us updated.
>> M
>> After much tribulation, I managed to build Pd-extended on the RPi:
>> http://log.liminastudio.com/writing/tutorials/how-to-build-pd-extended-on-the-raspberry-pi
>> I'm getting some noise, possibly due to the beta alsa driver, but I'm 
>> looking into it...
>> ?t3db0t
>> -- 
>> Marco Donnarumma
>> New Media + Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher, Director.
>> ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
>> The University of Edinburgh, UK
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
>> Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com | http://www.thesaddj.com | 
>> http://www.flxer.net
>> Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
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