Awesome, in fact I'm particularly interested in doing pitch shift on the
fly as well, how do you do that?

And what about these limitations of [tabread4~]? I'm getting the idea it's
all a matter of better quality in the recording of the audio, is it right
or is there any other feature?

And moreover, what is "variable speed" about anyway? I can only make some
assumptions, but it'd be good to have a better input on this.

Thanks for working on this and sharing it out.


2012/8/9 Julian Brooks <>

> Hi Alex,
> I suppose the 'bigger picture' is that we have accomplished the 1st step
> in attempting to plug a perceived lack in current Pd which is a
> [tabwrite4~] object.  [ipoke~] for MaxMSP came up a few times on the list
> recently and someone mentioned 'could we get the source off him?'   So I
> asked P.A. if we could port it over to Pd and figure out his approach to
> the interpolating buffer writer problem/lack.
> This a small crew of us have done (Katja mainly).  We're now in the middle
> of inserting antialiasing and cubic interpolation (Matt, Katja and Chuck)
> with P.A. and Alex pitching in and porting it back into Max as a v.4.
> Me, I like to use it in looping stuff with on-the-fly pitchshifting (for
> example).  Other usages includes physical modelling and doppler type stuff
> plus whatever we can think of?
> We're not saying it's a game changer but we are confident that it can plug
> a small hole and hopefully it is well designed and built.
> Hope that helps and cheers for checking it out.
> Regards,
> Julian
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