The simplest and most direct way is to go into 


and change the first entry for the interface you
want to use (presumably wired ethernet eth0) to

iface eth0 inet static 192.168.x.y
broadcast 192.168.x.255
gateway  192.168.x.z

Your choice of x and y shoud match your subnet and a free
IP address. The value for z will be the router. BTW don't end your
address with 255 as you suggested :) that is reserved for 
broadcast address, see the third line.

The router should see this via gratuitous ARP quite quickly,
no need for any other fancy announcements unless you are in
a big and complicated network.

Check it after reboot using 

ifconfig eth0 


On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 04:41:33PM +0200, Pierre Massat wrote:
> Dear Pd-Listers,
> Sorry this obviously OT question.
> I'm trying to use my Raspberry Pi (yes I know, i'm also beginning to get
> fed up with its apparent ubiquity...) as by portable webserver. By portable
> I mean that i could carry it with me and plug it into any home router and
> make it accessible to every machine in the local network.
> The obvious problem i'm currently faced with is that of the IP given by the
> router to the RPi. I think it's possible to configure the RPi to have a
> static IP, but I have no idea how "portable" this solution is. Say, if I
> configured my RPi to alsways show up as, would this address
> work with every home router?
> Another option, perhaps : use the unique MAC address of my RPi ? I have no
> clue whether it is possible at all to connect to a local webserver using
> the MAC of its host.
> Any clue is more than welcome, i know practically nothing about networks.
> Cheers,
> Pierre.

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