As I wrote, I think you just implement linear interpolation.  Let the user 
insert other objects in the chain to build their own
curve.  To be specific about the example:

[hsl] <-- from 0 to 1


[recall $1(
[expr pow($f1-int($f1),2)+int($f1)]

> From: Ivica Ico Bukvic <>
>To: 'Jonathan Wilkes' <>; 'flad chester' 
>Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:17 AM
>Subject: RE: [PD] Preset system in pd?
>I thought you wanted values to interpolate between the origin and destination 
>(making a curve over time). Finding a value between is trickier and may 
>require some kind of implementation that belongs to preset_hub. Of course, 
>then the question is how do you weigh such interpolation (or what function do 
>you use?) and the next thing you know preset_hub has become expr and line and 
>tons of other things in one, making it huge, redundant, and unwieldy to 
>maintain. In other words, where do you draw the line? Will the linear 
>interpolation be enough?
>From:Jonathan Wilkes [] 
>Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 11:43 PM
>To: Ivica Ico Bukvic; 'flad chester';
>Subject: Re: [PD] Preset system in pd?
>Hi Ivica,
>     I don't understand how [line] could fill in for interpolation between 
>On the other hand, I don't think you would actually need all the interpolation
>states that pattrstorage provides.  If you just did linear interpolation by 
>to set the preset with a float (like 1.5) that is between two states, then the 
>could easily build all the interpolation schemes that pattrstorage's interp 
>provides simply by putting the necessary objects after [recall $1( .  For 
>if you want a quartic curve you'd just do [expr pow($f1-int($f1), 2)+int($f1)] 
>then feed that into preset_hub.
>That of course wouldn't work for more complex stuff like cubic interpolation,
>but that is conspicuously absent in pattrstorage, too.
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