I updated the makefile.mingw a bit, I forgot to add something before.  Its


On 01/16/2013 06:44 PM, Esteban Viveros wrote:
> gcc.exe ,GCC. 4.6.2
> 2013/1/16 Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>
>> On 01/16/2013 06:28 PM, Esteban Viveros wrote:
>>> HC,
>>> I have two question at time..
>>> First, I need to add Cygwin to system path? If yes, I run SETX path
>>> c:\cygwin;c:\cygwin\bin;%path%  in Cygwin Terminal?
>> This is probably optional but cygwin is useful.  You do it from the System
>> control panel:
>> http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm
>> If you install TortoiseSVN, I don't think you need cygwin at all (watch out
>> for download links in the big add in that page):
>> http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html
>>> Two, In session: "Copying Libgmp-10Dll for Cc1.Exe" I don't have
>>> /mingw/libexec/gcc/mingw32/4.7.2/ but I have
>>> /mingw/libexec/gcc/mingw32/4.6.2  I need to create the 4.7.2 directory or
>>> copy the dll's to 4.6.2?
>> Copy the dlls to the existing folder, don't create a new one.  You can tell
>> which version of gcc you have by doing:
>> gcc --version
>> My guess is that you have 4.6.2, which should work fine.
>> .hc
>>> 2013/1/16 Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>
>>>> Start by installing Jack on your windows machine and setting up a Pd
>> build
>>>> environment:
>>>> http://puredata.info/docs/developer/WindowsMinGW
>>>> You can skip the "Building library dependencies for Windows from SVN
>>>> '/sources'" section for now.
>>>> Then in the MSYS MinGW shell, do this:
>>>> git clone git://
>>>> pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/pure-data/pd-extended.git
>>>> cd pd-extended/src
>>>> make -f makefile.mingw
>>>> That should give you a regular Pd build.  Then download a Pd-extended
>>>> 0.43.4
>>>> zip version and unzip it.  I usually put it on my desktop.  Then you can
>>>> install your new build into it:
>>>> make -f makefile.mingw
>>>> DESTDIR="$USERPROFILE/Desktop/Pd-0.43.4-extended-20130115 prefix=
>> install
>>>> If that works, then you're ready to try to build against Jack.  Replace
>>>> pd-extended/src/makefile.mingw with makefile.mingw that is attached to
>> this
>>>> email, and try this:
>>>> cd pd-extended/src
>>>> make -f makefile.mingw clean
>>>> make -f makefile.mingw
>>>> DESTDIR="$USERPROFILE/Desktop/Pd-0.43.4-extended-20130115 prefix=
>> install
>>>> .hc
>>>> On 01/16/2013 02:07 PM, Esteban Viveros wrote:
>>>>> Wow.... If I had the knowledge to do.. (!) *.*
>>>>> But I can try... I need documentation to learn.. Where can I begin?
>>>>> 2013/1/16 Hans-Christoph Steiner <h...@at.or.at>
>>>>>> I agree, it should be included.  Why don't you try to build it?  Or
>>>> maybe
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> patco has some time, he could take a look.
>>>>>> Its much too late to include it in 0.43.4, but once its working, its
>>>> easy
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> include in nightly builds of 0.44.
>>>>>> .hc
>>>>>> On 01/16/2013 12:58 PM, Esteban Viveros wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello list,
>>>>>>> Excuse the hassle... But I think this very important ..
>>>>>>> The windows version of pd-extended 0.43 don't have support to Jack..
>>>>>>> It would be great can connect my new pd extended release to ableton
>>>> live
>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> play a little..
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> _______________________________________________
> Pd-list@iem.at mailing list
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> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
# how Miller builds Pd on Windows:
# http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2004-10/002981.html

CC = gcc
CXX = g++

cvs_root_dir = ../..
pd_src = $(cvs_root_dir)/pd
DLL_DIR = $(pd_src)/src

BIN_DIR = ../bin

VPATH = $(pd_src)/src

prefix = /usr/local/pd
exec_prefix = $(prefix)
includedir = $(prefix)/include
libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
mandir = $(prefix)/man
bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin


# varibles to match packages/Makefile.buildlayout so that they can be easily
# overridden when building Pd-extended builds. <h...@at.or.at>
libpddir = $(prefix)
pddocdir = $(libpddir)/doc
libpdbindir = $(libpddir)/bin

PDEXEC = pd.exe
PDDLL = pd.dll
DLLWRAP= dllwrap

MORECFLAGS = -O3 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer 

PADIR = $(pd_src)/portaudio
ASIODIR = $(pd_src)/asio/ASIOSDK2
ASIOINC = -I$(ASIODIR)/common -I$(ASIODIR)/host -I$(ASIODIR)/host/pc
INCPA = -I$(PADIR) -I$(PADIR)/include -I$(PADIR)/src/common 
-I$(PADIR)/src/os/win $(ASIOINC)
INCLUDE = -I$(pd_src)/src -I$(PROGRAMFILES)/Jack/includes 
-I/c/Progra~1/jack/includes -I/c/Progra~2/jack/includes 
GINCLUDE = -I/usr/local/include $(INCLUDE)

LDFLAGS = -L$(PROGRAMFILES)/Jack/lib -L/c/Progra~1/jack/lib 
-L/c/Progra~2/jack/lib -L/c/Progra~3/jack/lib
LIBS = -lm -lwsock32 -lwinmm -lole32 -lpthreadGC2 -ljack


WARN_CFLAGS = -Wall -W -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-unused \
    -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch
# Some old code in asio/ASIOSDK2/common/combase.h needs to be ignored,
# we do this by setting the WINVER macro to min Windows XP aka 5.1.
# Also, for SetDllDirectory() s_loader.c, we need a minium of Windows
# XP SP1.  WINVER isnt' fine-grained enough for that, so we use the
# next minor version of Windows, 5.2.
        -DUSEAPI_MMIO -DUSEAPI_PORTAUDIO -mms-bitfields -DWISHAPP='"wish85.exe"'


STRIP = strip --strip-unneeded -R .note -R .comment

# the sources

PASRC = s_audio_pa.c s_audio_paring.c s_audio_jack.c \
        s_audio_mmio.c s_midi_mmio.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_stream.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_trace.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_process.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_front.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_dither.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_cpuload.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_converters.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_allocation.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/common/pa_ringbuffer.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/os/win/pa_win_hostapis.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/os/win/pa_win_util.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/os/win/pa_win_waveformat.c \
        $(PADIR)/src/os/win/pa_win_coinitialize.c \

ASIOSRC =       $(PADIR)/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.cpp \
                        $(PADIR)/src/hostapi/asio/pa_asio.cpp \
                        $(ASIODIR)/common/asio.cpp \
                        $(ASIODIR)/host/asiodrivers.cpp \

#VSRC =  s_audio_vst.c

PMDIR = ../portmidi
PMINCLUDE = -I$(PMDIR)/pm_common -I$(PMDIR)/pm_win -I$(PMDIR)/porttime 
PMSRC = $(PMDIR)/pm_common/portmidi.c \
        $(PMDIR)/pm_common/pmutil.c \
        $(PMDIR)/porttime/porttime.c \
        $(PMDIR)/porttime/ptwinmm.c \
        $(PMDIR)/pm_win/pmwin.c \

PMOBJ =  $(PMSRC:.c=.o)

HEADERS = g_all_guis.h m_imp.h g_canvas.h m_pd.h s_stuff.h g_magicglass.h \
        $(wildcard ../portaudio/common/*.h) s_audio_paring.h scandir.h \

SRC = g_canvas.c g_graph.c g_text.c g_rtext.c g_array.c g_template.c \
        g_io.c g_scalar.c g_traversal.c g_guiconnect.c g_readwrite.c g_editor.c 
    g_all_guis.c \
    m_pd.c m_class.c m_obj.c m_atom.c m_memory.c m_binbuf.c \
    m_conf_pdextended.c m_glob.c m_sched.c \
    s_main.c s_inter.c s_file.c s_print.c \
    s_loader.c s_path.c s_entry.c s_audio.c s_midi.c \
    s_utf8.c \
    d_ugen.c d_ctl.c d_arithmetic.c d_osc.c d_filter.c \
    d_math.c d_array.c d_global.c \
    d_delay.c d_resample.c \
    x_arithmetic.c x_connective.c \
    x_acoustics.c d_soundfile.c \
    e_fft.c e_gfxstub.c e_dac.c e_midi.c \
    g_magicglass.c \
    scandir.c \
    import.c path.c print.c closebang.c initbang.c loadbang.c

#SRC +=  d_fft_fftw.c d_fftroutine.c
# Mayer FFT
SRC +=  d_fft_mayer.c d_fftroutine.c

SRSRC = u_pdsend.c u_pdreceive.c

OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o) 
SROBJ = $(SRSRC:.c=.o) 
PAOBJ = $(PASRC:.c=.o)
ASIOOBJ = $(ASIOSRC:.cpp=.o)
#VOBJ = $(VSRC:.c=.o)

# get version from m_pd.h to use in doc/1.manual/1.introduction.txt
PD_MAJOR_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_MAJOR_VERSION m_pd.h | \
        sed 's|^.define *PD_MAJOR_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' )
PD_MINOR_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_MINOR_VERSION m_pd.h | \
        sed 's|^.define *PD_MINOR_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' )
PD_BUGFIX_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_BUGFIX_VERSION m_pd.h | \
        sed 's|^.define *PD_BUGFIX_VERSION *\([0-9]*\).*|\1|' )
PD_TEST_VERSION := $(shell grep PD_TEST_VERSION m_pd.h | \
        sed 's|^.define *PD_TEST_VERSION *"\(.*\)".*|\1|' )
ifneq ($(PD_TEST_VERSION),)

#  ------------------ targets ------------------------------------

.PHONY: all install clean testbin

all: $(PDDLL) $(PDEXEC) pdsend.exe pdreceive.exe pd.com

$(OBJ) : %.o : %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c -o $*.o $*.c 

$(GOBJ) : %.o : %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GFLAGS) $(GINCLUDE) -c -o $*.o $*.c 

$(SROBJ) : %.o : %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c -o $*.o $*.c 

$(PAOBJ) : %.o : %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GFLAGS) $(INCPA) -c -o $*.o $*.c 

$(ASIOOBJ) : %.o : %.cpp
        $(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCPA) -c -o $*.o $*.cpp

$(PMOBJ) : %.o : %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GFLAGS) $(PMINCLUDE) -c -o $*.o $*.c 

$(VOBJ) : %.o : %.c
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(GFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c -o $*.o $*.c 

pdsend.exe: u_pdsend.o
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o pdsend.exe u_pdsend.o $(LIBS)

pdreceive.exe: u_pdreceive.o
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o pdreceive.exe u_pdreceive.o $(LIBS)

$(PDEXEC): s_entry.o pd.res
        $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -mwindows -o $(PDEXEC) s_entry.o pd.res $(LIBS) -L. 

pd.com: s_entry.o
        $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o pd.com s_entry.o $(LIBS) -L. -lpd

        $(CXX) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -o $(PDDLL) $(OBJC) $(LIBS) \
                -Wl,--export-all-symbols -Wl,--out-implib=pd.a; 

pd.res: pd.rc
        windres pd.rc -O coff -o pd.res

#vstschedlib.dll: $(VOBJ)
#       $(DLLWRAP) --export-all-symbols --output-def vst.def \
#       --output-lib=vst.a --dllname=vstschedlib.dll s_audio_vst.o pd.a $(LIBS)

# kludge to put stuff into the pd/bin dir for testing
testbin: $(PDEXEC) $(PDDLL) pd.com
        echo "Copying files to $(BIN_DIR)"
        install -d $(BIN_DIR)
        install -p *.tcl $(BIN_DIR)
        install -p $(PDDLL) $(BIN_DIR)
        install -p pd.ico $(BIN_DIR)
        install -p pd.com $(BIN_DIR)
        install -p $(PDEXEC) $(BIN_DIR)

install:  all
# locales don't have a MinGW makefile yet, but the pd-gui-rewrite one could work
#       make libpddir=$(libpddir) -C ../po install
# the real install
        install -d $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/../tcl/
        install -p ../tcl/*.tcl $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/../tcl/
        install -p ../tcl/pd.gif $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/../tcl/
        install -p $(PDEXEC) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(PDEXEC)
        $(STRIP) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/$(PDEXEC)
        install -p pd.com $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pd.com
        $(STRIP) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pd.com
        install -p pd.dll $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pd.dll
        $(STRIP) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pd.dll
        install -p pd.ico $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pd.ico
        install -p pdsend.exe $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pdsend.exe
        $(STRIP) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pdsend.exe
        install -p pdreceive.exe $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pdreceive.exe
        $(STRIP) $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/pdreceive.exe
        for dir in $(shell ls -1 ../doc | grep -v CVS); do \
                echo "installing $$dir"; \
                install -d $(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir)/$$dir ; \
                install -p ../doc/$$dir/*.* $(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir)/$$dir ; \
        for dir in $(shell ls -1 ../doc/7.stuff | grep -v CVS); do \
                echo "installing 7.stuff/$$dir"; \
                install -d $(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir)/7.stuff/$$dir ; \
                install -p ../doc/7.stuff/$$dir/*.* 
$(DESTDIR)$(pddocdir)/7.stuff/$$dir ; \
        mv $(ABOUT_FILE) $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp
        cat $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp | sed 's|PD_VERSION|Pd version $(PD_VERSION)|' \
                > $(ABOUT_FILE)
        rm $(ABOUT_FILE).tmp
        install -d $(DESTDIR)/extra
        install -p ../extra/output~.pd ../extra/output~-help.pd $(DESTDIR)/extra
        install -d $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
        install -p m_pd.h $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)
        install -d $(DESTDIR)$(includedir)/pdextended
        install -p g_all_guis.h g_canvas.h m_imp.h m_pd.h s_stuff.h e_fft.h 
e_sqrt.h \
        @echo "Pd install succeeded."

        -rm -f -- $(BIN_DIR)/*.*
        -rm -f -- *.o *.a *.def
        -rm -f -- pd*.exe pd*.dll pd.com
        -rm -f -- $(OBJ) $(GOBJ) $(SROBJ) $(PAOBJ) $(ASIOOBJ) $(PMOBJ)
        -rm -f makefile.dependencies

distclean: clean
        rm -rf -- config.cache config.log config.status makefile tags \

tags: $(SRC) $(GSRC); ctags *.[ch]

depend: makefile.dependencies

makefile.dependencies: $(SRC) $(PASRC) $(HEADERS)
        $(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(INCPA) $(CFLAGS) -M $(SRC) $(PASRC) $(HEADERS) \
                > makefile.dependencies

        -rm $(prefix)/bin/pd*.exe
        -rm $(prefix)/bin/pd*.com
        -rm $(prefix)/bin/pd*.dll
        -rm $(prefix)/bin/*.tcl

        @echo "PD_VERSION: $(PD_VERSION)"
        @echo "CWD $(CWD)"
        @echo "DESTDIR $(DESTDIR)"
        @echo "PREFIX $(prefix)"
        @echo "BINDIR  $(bindir)"
        @echo "LIBDIR  $(libdir)"
        @echo "OBJECTSDIR  $(objectsdir)"
        @echo "PDDOCDIR  $(pddocdir)"
        @echo "LIBPDDIR  $(libpddir)"
        @echo "LIBPDBINDIR  $(libpdbindir)"
        @echo "HELPDIR  $(helpdir)"
        @echo "MANUALSDIR  $(manualsdir)"
        @echo "EXAMPLESDIR  $(examplesdir)"

include makefile.dependencies
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