[This is getting pretty OT for pd-list, let's take further discussion to
private email or linux-audio-dev] 

Thanks for the Nova link, that thesis looks very interesting.  I hadn't
heard of Nova before.  Is it still active?  Looks like at least parts of
it merged into SuperCollider but I can't see that the main project is
still going. 

I am definitely still designing as I iterate... get a bit of
functionality working, try to use it to do something different than it
could do before, see what irritates me, repeat.  Both you and HC have
made good points that make me think I still have some work to do on
scoping and on layers/subpatches/abstractions. 

Your comments about dotted namespaces stump me a bit.  I see what you
mean about DNS address resolution, but very many programming languages
share a common notation and meaning for dotted access to
objects/subobjects.  I'm trying to make things look as much like "visual
python" as I can, so I would tend to use a similar syntax, but then
again accessing scopes is not exactly like accessing object attributes.
I will have to chew on it a while. 

Bill Gribble 

On Sat, 2013-01-26 at 15:55 -0800, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Bill Gribble <g...@billgribble.com>
> > To: Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com>
> > Cc: Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsut...@gmail.com>; "pd-list@iem.at" 
> > <pd-list@iem.at>
> > Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:01 AM
> > Subject: Re: [PD] GUI toolkits and custom GUIs WAS: Integra Live 1.5 
> > released
> > 
> > On Fri, 2013-01-25 at 19:30 -0800, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> >>  So inside [blah] let's say I have this:
> >> 
> >>  [r foo]
> >>  |
> >>  [print I_don_t_want_bob_to_trigger_this]
> >> 
> >>  I share my [blah] abstraction with Bob, who creates a [blah] instance in 
> > the same
> >>  patch where he has
> >> 
> >>  [Click here to start my thing(
> >>  |
> >>  [s foo]
> >> 
> >>  I suppose I don't know what "lexical hygiene" means.  But I 
> > think you have to have
> >>  a way to explicitly state that "binding symbol foo applies to 
> >> this< canvas and all
> >>  of its children, but not to any parents".  Do you have a way to do 
> > that without using
> >>  the $0 kludge?
> > 
> > PD's behavior and the $0 kludge falls out of the design where there is a
> > single namespace for s/r targets.  It's a programming language where
> > there are only global variables.  This makes some things easy
> > (communicating with other patches) and some things hard (keeping things
> > private, duplicating code blocks without copies stomping on each
> > other). 
> The best solution I've seen is Tim Blechmann's use of [declare] in
> Nova (though one could use a different class rather than overloading
> a current one):
> http://tim.klingt.org/publications/tim_blechmann_nova.pdf
> I can't remember what his default behavior was when the binding-symbol
> isn't [declare]'d, but if it defaulted to global in that case then the
> system would be backwards compatible with Pd.  It's also trivial to learn,
> as the declaration is basically a stamp on a canvas that says "this name
> doesn't communicate with my parents, but it can communicate with all my
> children-- unless of course they declare the name for themselves."  He
> also has a mechanism to explicitly declare something global.
> The benefit is that when a name is declared on a canvas, the meaning is
> trivial to understand: IF stamped THEN local to me and my unstamped children.
> The drawback is that on a canvas that doesn't have a declaration on it, the
> user doesn't immediately know how far up the tree the scope goes simply
> by looking at the patch (though a mechanism could easily be added to reveal
> that).
> Your system has the benefit of sane defaults-- if I understand correctly, 
> names
> in your system will default to the behavior one currently gets in Pd by 
> prepending
> a $0 to the name.  That probably covers most of the common patching cases.
> The drawback is that for uncommon cases your namespace notation is
> non-trivial to learn, even though it makes the scope of uncommon cases 
> explicit.
> (To get a sense of how difficult it is for a user to _truly_ grasp scope 
> levels using the
> "." separator, look at the history of scams based on shuffling the levels of
> domain names, changing the tld, and even putting the company name as
> a subdirectory of some nondescript domain name like acctmngr.com/microsoft.)
> Anyway, I suppose that's enough commentary until I can actually play around
> with your system and see how it works.  (The png showing the IDE-style
> interface looks nice, though.)
> > 
> > My design started from the presumption that all variables (names) are
> > local to a scope.  Each patch has its own "global" scope (which is the
> > default for new names), and can have named scopes within it.  This
> > sort-of follows a model of "lexical scoping" that you see in languages
> > like Lisp and Scheme where you can explicitly wrap a block of code in an
> > environment where variables just local to that scope are declared.  In
> > MFP, a layer (subpatch) or group of layers can share a scope just among
> > themselves, or can use the patch's global scope. 
> > 
> > Again, this makes some things easy (cut and paste of subpatches without
> > stepping on each other, management of names without $0-prefixes, knowing
> > that your abstraction won't interfere with someone else's) and some
> > things hard (broadcasting to every instance of a patch/abstraction,
> > listening in on message traffic internal to somebody else's
> > abstraction).
> > 
> > Back to your example: it wouldn't work as-is in MFP.  The [s] would have
> > to qualify the "foo" name, since it doesn't exist in the scope of 
> > the
> > [s].  Let's say I make a [blah] in the patch with the [s] and I name it
> > "blah_1".  The [s foo] would need to be [s blah_1.foo] for it to get
> > where you intend it to go.  If you made 2 [blah] instances, "blah_1" 
> > and
> > "blah_2", you would have to send to the one that you wanted the 
> > message
> > to go to. 
> > 
> >>  There are also use cases for "binding symbol foo applies to all 
> > instances of
> >>  >this< abstraction", and possibly "all instances of 
> > abstractions from >this<
> >>  libdir" (though the latter may be overkill).
> > 
> > Yes, these are real use cases.  I'm still trying to work out which ones
> > are highest-value; you can't do either of these things in MFP right
> > now. 
> The libdir scope isn't so important unless it is accompanied by another
> feature, which is a libdir setup file that is analogous to classname_setup
> in a c external, except that it's a Pd patch instead of a c file.
> There are a few ways it could be implemented, but basically it should be
> possible for a libdir author to make a "setup" patch that gets loaded (in a
> way similar to the pd-_float template for arrays) whenever the libdir is 
> loaded.
> One way to do this would be to load libdirname-meta.pd when libdirname
> is loaded. (Right now in Pd-ext libdirname-meta.pd just has comments 
> describing the
> libdir itself.)  That way the author could put stuff that is commonly used by
> all the libdir abstractions in libdirname-meta.pd (like a shared [table], for 
> example),
> and it will be loaded and available to access.  But of course for it to work
> there must be a libdir scope so that messages can pass back and forth
> between the setup patch and the libdir abstractions with impunity.
> -Jonathan
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Bill Gribble 
> > 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>  -Jonathan
> >> 
> >>  > 
> >>  > At the same time, references to names that can't be resolved in 
> > the local 
> >>  > scope do bubble up, so you can have more global names if you need 
> > them.
> >>  > 
> >>  > Thanks,
> >>  > Bill Gribble
> >>  > 
> >>  > On Jan 25, 2013, at 21:27, Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com> 
> > wrote:
> >>  > 
> >>  >> 
> >>  >> 
> >>  >> 
> >>  >> 
> >>  >>  ----- Original Message -----
> >>  >>>  From: Bill Gribble <g...@billgribble.com>
> >>  >>>  To: Jonathan Wilkes <jancs...@yahoo.com>
> >>  >>>  Cc: Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsut...@gmail.com>; 
> >>  > "pd-list@iem.at" <pd-list@iem.at>
> >>  >>>  Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 7:55 PM
> >>  >>>  Subject: Re: [PD] GUI toolkits and custom GUIs WAS: Integra 
> > Live 1.5 
> >>  > released
> >>  >>> 
> >>  >>>  On Fri, 2013-01-25 at 15:21 -0800, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> >>  >>>>>  From: Bill Gribble <g...@billgribble.com>
> >>  >>>>>  I am working on a pd-clone intended to explore a lot 
> > of the 
> >>  > topics in
> >>  >>>  this 
> >>  >>>>>  thread.  It's not fully baked yet -- the biggest 
> > working 
> >>  > patch is
> >>  >>>  a biquad 
> >>  >>>>>  filter designer with pole-zero and freq response 
> > plotting -- 
> >>  > but
> >>  >>>  I'm 
> >>  >>>>>  particularly excited about the approach to 
> > namespacing and 
> >>  > scope
> >>  >>>  management, 
> >>  >>>>>  which works a lot like hc describes.  Patches have a 
> > set of 
> >>  > scopes
> >>  >>>  which can be 
> >>  >>>>>  mapped onto subpatches (represented as layers, not 
> > separate 
> >>  > windows). 
> >>  >>>  Name 
> >>  >>>>>  resolution in send/receive elements works like you 
> > would want 
> >>  > it to.
> >>  >>>> 
> >>  >>>>  How does scope work for abstractions?
> >>  >>> 
> >>  >>>  Well, every object in a patch has a name.  To find that 
> > object, the 
> >>  > tree
> >>  >>>  of patches and scopes is crawled upward from the site of the 
> > lookup. 
> >>  > For
> >>  >>>  example, the (equivalent of) [s "foo"] first looks 
> > in the 
> >>  > scope of the
> >>  >>>  [s], then the patch-global scope of the containing patch, 
> > then in the
> >>  >>>  application global scope for the name "foo". 
> >>  >>> 
> >>  >>>  Dotted notation can drill down, so [s "foo.bar"] 
> > would try to 
> >>  > find an
> >>  >>>  object named "foo", then find "bar" in 
> > its 
> >>  > patch-global 
> >>  >>>  scope (or an
> >>  >>>  object named "bar" within a scope named 
> > "foo" in 
> >>  > the current 
> >>  >>>  patch). 
> >>  >>> 
> >>  >>>  Does that make sense?
> >>  >> 
> >>  >>  I don't think I understand it.
> >>  >> 
> >>  >>  Let's say I have abstraction [blah].  I want [s foo] and [r 
> > foo] inside 
> >>  > [blah] and
> >>  >>  all of [blah]'s children to talk to each other.  Then I want 
> > to share 
> >>  > my abstraction
> >>  >>  with Bob who needn't worry about the send/receive names I 
> > used inside 
> >>  > [blah]
> >>  >>  because they are guaranteed not to conflict with anything he does 
> > outside 
> >>  > the
> >>  >>  scope of the [blah] abstraction (e.g., creating a [s foo] on the 
> > same 
> >>  > canvas where
> >>  >>  a [blah] object sits).
> >>  >> 
> >>  >>  Can I specify the scope of the s/r symbol in this way?
> >>  >> 
> >>  >>  Jonathan
> >>  >> 
> >>  >>> 
> >>  >>>  Thanks,
> >>  >>>  Bill Gribble  
> >>  >>> 
> >>  > 
> > 

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