
I didn't manage to use the apt.puredata.info repository with a linux mint debian edition os, as proposed in http://puredata.info/docs/faq/debian when I try to automatically add the repository in my source.list, the repository is not found when apt-get update, maybe because

$ lsb_release -c | awk '{print $2}'
$ debian

and there is no debian folder at http://apt.puredata.info/releases/dists/

when I try to add manually the repository in my source.list with rather :
deb http://apt.puredata.info/releases wheezy main

$ sudo apt-get update
W: Conflicting distribution: http://apt.puredata.info wheezy Release (expected wheezy but got )

my source.list :
deb http://mirror.tuxis.nl/packages/ debian main upstream import backport
deb-src http://mirror.tuxis.nl/packages/ debian main upstream import backport deb http://lmde-mirror.gwendallebihan.net/latest testing main contrib non-free deb http://lmde-mirror.gwendallebihan.net/latest/security testing/updates main contrib non-free deb http://lmde-mirror.gwendallebihan.net/latest/multimedia testing main non-free
deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org wheezy main non-free
deb http://apt.puredata.info/releases wheezy main

did I miss something ?

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