Le 14/02/13 02:28, Charles Z Henry a écrit :
The first thing I would check is what library the external expects to find. run "dyldinfo" on your mp3amp~.pd_darwin file (it would be "ldd" in linux)
I don't really understand the dyldinfo option, but I've tested with otool on the two versions of mp3amp~.pd_darwin. Loading path are as expected :mp3amp with pd-extended search for the one in pd-extended and mp3amp in template-libraries build search for no one (i think it must be using standard path search). But once again both versions of mp3amp works if they load the good libmp3lame.

That will tell you what libraries it expects to see and if libmp3lame isn't in a typical system location or in the library search path, it says "not found"
it is embedded in Pd-extended in Contents/lib

Do the libraries have different names/versions or the is it the same?

pd-extended's is : libmp3lame.0.dylib
fink's is : libmp3lame.0.0.0.dylib with a symbolic link
they look the same with otool -L but they have different sizes...



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