Hi Simon,

I've been using [sigmund~] with pretty good results, tracking the bass and using it to drive various things in a complex Pd setup. I'm always interested in alternative pitch trackers, though. I play a Steinberger XL, so I won't likely be carving it up to put in a hex pickup; that's kept me a way from Roland's approach (that plus the cost!).

I'm still quite intrigued by what you've done; do you have any documentation about it?

Thanks for writing,


On 2/14/13 12:48 AM, Simon Iten wrote:
hi phil,

what are you trying to do? do you need midi from your electric bass? or just a 
way to make a synth in pd?
i ask because i built a gr-300 emulation for bass that works very well and with 
almost no latency. you can drive any oscillator within pd from that. it's all 
signalpath though.
ideally you would use such a thing with a hexaphonic (or quadraphonic) pickup, 
because it's monophonic. but the same is true for helmholtz i guess.



On Feb 14, 2013, at 1:24 AM, Phil Stone <pkst...@ucdavis.edu> wrote:

Hi Katja,

I'm looking with great interest at your [helmholtz~] pitch tracking object. I'm 
not asking to be lazy (I'm going to try it out for myself!), but I'm wondering 
if you have any general impressions of its performance as to how it compares 
with [sigmund~]. I'm particularly interested as to how it will do for tracking 
a fretless electric bass.

It looks like an excellent piece of work, and I've enjoyed reading your 
detailed page about it.

Phil Stone

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