On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 6:58 PM, Alexandros Drymonitis <adr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Eventually I'm using the Max examples that come along with the LCedit+
> software, and communicate between Max and Pd with [udpreceive] (I'm using
> serial communication with the lanbox). Anyway this is for an urgent
> deadline, I'll probably use and arduino version later on.
Doesn't the Max/Msp example show you how the messages work?
Just use the same messaging.

> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 11:44 AM, dreamer <drea...@puikheid.nl> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 10:26 AM, Alexandros Drymonitis <adr...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Reading through the manuals I'm trying different stuff. Thought of
>>> connecting to the lanbox (I spelled it wrong in the subject of this thread)
>>> via [comport]. I do get connected, but can't really see how to send
>>> commands.
>>> I'm trying to connect via [tcpsend] via ethernet cause I think it's
>>> easier to send commands in ASCII (looks easier to me at least), but the
>>> manual says that the lanbox will ask for a password (which is 777 followed
>>> by a carriege return, so in ASCII it will be 55 55 55 13). So I'm sending
>>> [connect 4777( to [tcpsend],
>> This is exactly how we connected with udpsend as well (so for udp you
>> need to enable this in the firmware, and I have no idea how to :) ).
>> Then, the other messages look like: [192 183 0 0 202 254 0 10 0 1 255 255
>> 255 255(
>> And I have no idea anymore what this actually means :)
>> Only that the last 4 values are for the dimmer-pack we used.
>> The manual should have more info on how the protocol works.
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