Hi List,
     More "Put" menu array fun:

* settable colors for the trace + "jump on click" action


* bar graph with settable outline/fill colors

* resizing bar graph

* multiple colored arrays in one graph


* savable colors for "Put" menu arrays

* html-style color symbols savable in last two args to [plot]

Please test.  Data structure "bargraph" arrays probably look a little
screwy-- haven't worked on those yet.

diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_array.c pd-0.43-0/src/g_array.c
--- pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_array.c	2013-05-01 01:48:51.225292121 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/src/g_array.c	2013-05-04 22:39:40.503151248 -0400
@@ -132,16 +132,19 @@ struct _garray
     t_symbol *x_realname;   /* expanded name (symbol we're bound to) */
     char x_usedindsp;       /* true if some DSP routine is using this */
     char x_saveit;          /* true if we should save this with parent */
+    char x_joc;             /* true if we should "jump on click" in a graph */
     char x_listviewing;     /* true if list view window is open */
     char x_hidename;        /* don't print name above graph */
+    t_symbol *x_fillcolor;       /* color for filled area of the are */
+    t_symbol *x_outlinecolor;    /* color of the outline around the element */
 static t_pd *garray_arraytemplatecanvas;
 static char garray_arraytemplatefile[] = "\
 #N canvas 0 0 458 153 10;\n\
 #X obj 43 31 struct _float_array array z float float style\n\
-float linewidth float color;\n\
-#X obj 43 70 plot z color linewidth 0 0 1 style;\n\
+float linewidth float color symbol fillcolor symbol outlinecolor;\n\
+#X obj 43 70 plot z color linewidth 0 0 1 style fillcolor outlinecolor;\n\
 static char garray_floattemplatefile[] = "\
 #N canvas 0 0 458 153 10;\n\
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ always called by graph_array() below; bu
 to save and create arrays this might get called more directly. */
 static t_garray *graph_scalar(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *templatesym,
-    int saveit)
+    t_symbol *fill, t_symbol *outline, int saveit)
     int i, zz;
     t_garray *x;
@@ -187,8 +190,8 @@ static t_garray *graph_scalar(t_glist *g
     t_template *template;
     char *str;
     t_gpointer gp;
-    if (!template_findbyname(templatesym))
-        return (0);  
+    if (!(template = template_findbyname(templatesym)))
+        return (0);
     x = (t_garray *)pd_new(garray_class);
     x->x_scalar = scalar_new(gl, templatesym);
     x->x_name = s;
@@ -197,6 +200,10 @@ static t_garray *graph_scalar(t_glist *g
     x->x_usedindsp = 0;
     x->x_saveit = saveit;
     x->x_listviewing = 0;
+    template_setsymbol(template, gensym("fillcolor"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec,
+        fill, 1);
+    template_setsymbol(template, gensym("outlinecolor"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec,
+        outline, 1);
     glist_add(gl, &x->x_gobj);
     x->x_glist = gl;
     return (x);
@@ -252,6 +259,11 @@ int garray_getname(t_garray *x, t_symbol
     *namep = x->x_name;
     return (x->x_hidename);
+    /* find out if array elements should "jump on click" in a graph */
+int garray_joc(t_garray *x)
+    return (x->x_joc);
         /* if there is one garray in a graph, reset the graph's coordinates
             to fit a new size and style for the garray */
@@ -263,8 +275,8 @@ static void garray_fittograph(t_garray *
         vmess(&gl->gl_pd, gensym("bounds"), "ffff",
             0., gl->gl_y1, (double)
-                (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS || n == 1 ? n : n-1),
-                    gl->gl_y2);
+                (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS || style == PLOTSTYLE_BARS
+                || n == 1 ? n : n-1), gl->gl_y2);
                 /* close any dialogs that might have the wrong info now... */
@@ -276,10 +288,21 @@ an appropriate template; then set size a
 from the menu and in the file format for patches.  LATER replace this
 by a more coherent (and general) invocation. */
-t_garray *graph_array(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *templateargsym,
-    t_floatarg fsize, t_floatarg fflags)
+t_garray *graph_array(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
-    int n = fsize, i, zz, nwords, zonset, ztype, saveit;
+    t_symbol *fill;
+    t_symbol *outline;
+    if (argc < 4) {pd_error(gl, "arraydialog: not enough args"); return 0;}
+    t_symbol *name = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc--, argv++);
+    int fsize = (int)atom_getfloatarg(0, argc--, argv++);
+    t_symbol *templateargsym = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc--, argv++);
+    int fflags = (int)atom_getfloatarg(0, argc--, argv++);
+    if (argc) fill = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc--, argv++);
+    else fill = gensym("black");
+    if (argc) outline = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc--, argv++);
+    else outline = gensym("black");
+    int n = fsize, i, zz, nwords, zonset, ztype, saveit, joc;
     t_symbol *zarraytype;
     t_garray *x;
     t_pd *x2;
@@ -321,17 +344,25 @@ t_garray *graph_array(t_glist *gl, t_sym
         return (0);
     saveit = ((flags & 1) != 0);
-    x = graph_scalar(gl, s, templatesym, saveit);
-    x->x_hidename = ((flags & 8) >> 3);
+    x = graph_scalar(gl, name, templatesym, fill, outline, saveit);
+    x->x_hidename = ((flags & 8) >> 3);
+    x->x_joc = ((flags & 16) >> 4);
+    x->x_fillcolor = fill;
+    x->x_outlinecolor = outline;
     if (n <= 0)
         n = 100;
     array_resize(x->x_scalar->sc_vec[zonset].w_array, n);
     template_setfloat(template, gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec,
         style, 1);
     template_setfloat(template, gensym("linewidth"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 
         ((style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS) ? 2 : 1), 1);
+    template_setsymbol(template, gensym("fillcolor"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec,
+        fill, 1);
+    template_setsymbol(template, gensym("outlinecolor"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec,
+        outline, 1);
     if (x2 = pd_findbyclass(gensym("#A"), garray_class))
         pd_unbind(x2, gensym("#A"));
@@ -345,7 +376,8 @@ void canvas_menuarray(t_glist *canvas)
     t_glist *x = (t_glist *)canvas;
     char cmdbuf[200];
-    sprintf(cmdbuf, "pdtk_array_dialog %%s array%d 100 3 1\n", gcount+1);
+    sprintf(cmdbuf, "pdtk_array_dialog %%s array%d 100 3 1 black black\n",
+        gcount+1);
     gfxstub_new(&x->gl_pd, x, cmdbuf);
@@ -363,38 +395,60 @@ void garray_properties(t_garray *x)
         properly; right now we just detect a leading '$' and escape
         it.  There should be a systematic way of doing this. */
     sprintf(cmdbuf, ((x->x_name->s_name[0] == '$') ?
-        "pdtk_array_dialog %%s \\%s %d %d 0\n" :
-        "pdtk_array_dialog %%s %s %d %d 0\n"),
-            x->x_name->s_name, a->a_n, x->x_saveit + 
+        "pdtk_array_dialog %%s \\%s %d %d 0 %s %s\n" :
+        "pdtk_array_dialog %%s %s %d %d 0 %s %s\n"), x->x_name->s_name,
+            a->a_n, x->x_saveit + 
             2 * (int)(template_getfloat(template_findbyname(sc->sc_template),
-            gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1)));
+            gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1)) + 8 * x->x_hidename +
+            16 * x->x_joc, x->x_fillcolor->s_name, x->x_outlinecolor->s_name);
     gfxstub_new(&x->x_gobj.g_pd, x, cmdbuf);
     /* this is called back from the dialog window to create a garray. 
     The otherflag requests that we find an existing graph to put it in. */
-void glist_arraydialog(t_glist *parent, t_symbol *name, t_floatarg size,
-    t_floatarg fflags, t_floatarg otherflag)
+void glist_arraydialog(t_glist *parent, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
+    t_atom at[6];
+    if (argc !=6) {pd_error(parent,
+        "arraydialog: wrong number of args"); return;}
     t_glist *gl;
     t_garray *a;
-    int flags = fflags;
+    t_symbol *name = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
+    int size = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
+    int flags = atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv);
+    int otherflag = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
+    t_symbol *fillcolor = atom_getsymbolarg(4, argc, argv);
+    t_symbol *outlinecolor = atom_getsymbolarg(5, argc, argv);
+/* fflags; */
     if (size < 1)
         size = 1;
     if (otherflag == 0 || (!(gl = glist_findgraph(parent))))
         gl = glist_addglist(parent, &s_, 0, 1,
             (size > 1 ? size-1 : size), -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-    a = graph_array(gl, sharptodollar(name), &s_float, size, flags);
+    SETSYMBOL(at, sharptodollar(name));
+    SETFLOAT(at+1, size);
+    SETSYMBOL(at+2, &s_float);
+    SETFLOAT(at+3, flags);
+    SETSYMBOL(at+4, fillcolor);
+    SETSYMBOL(at+5, outlinecolor);
+    a = graph_array(gl, gensym("array"), 6, at);
     canvas_dirty(parent, 1);
     /* this is called from the properties dialog window for an existing array */
-void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *name, t_floatarg fsize,
-    t_floatarg fflags, t_floatarg deleteit)
+void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
-    int flags = fflags;
+    if (argc !=6) {pd_error(x, "arraydialog: wrong number of args"); return;}
+    t_symbol *name = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
+    int fsize = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv);
+    int flags = atom_getfloatarg(2, argc, argv);
+    int deleteit = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv);
+    t_symbol *fill = atom_getsymbolarg(4, argc, argv);
+    t_symbol *outline = atom_getsymbolarg(5, argc, argv);
     int saveit = ((flags & 1) != 0);
     int style = ((flags & 6) >> 1);
+    int hidename = ((flags & 8) >> 3);
+    int joc = ((flags & 16) >> 4);
     t_float stylewas = template_getfloat(
             gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1);
@@ -451,8 +505,16 @@ void garray_arraydialog(t_garray *x, t_s
             garray_fittograph(x, size, style);
         template_setfloat(scalartemplate, gensym("style"),
             x->x_scalar->sc_vec, (t_float)style, 0);
+        template_setsymbol(scalartemplate, gensym("fillcolor"),
+            x->x_scalar->sc_vec, fill, 0);
+        template_setsymbol(scalartemplate, gensym("outlinecolor"),
+            x->x_scalar->sc_vec, outline, 0);
         garray_setsaveit(x, (saveit != 0));
+        x->x_joc = joc;
+        x->x_hidename = hidename;
+        x->x_fillcolor = fill;
+        x->x_outlinecolor = outline;
         canvas_dirty(x->x_glist, 1);
@@ -607,6 +669,7 @@ void array_getcoordinate(t_glist *glist,
     *wp = wpix;
+extern int array_joc; /* from g_canvas.h */
 static t_float array_motion_xcumulative;
 static t_float array_motion_ycumulative;
 static t_fielddesc *array_motion_xfield;
@@ -800,7 +863,7 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glis
                     best = dx + dy;
-        if (best > 8)
+        if (best > 8 && (array_joc == 0))
             if (scalarvis != 0)
                 return (array_doclick_element(array, glist, sc, ap,
@@ -832,13 +895,30 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glis
                     dy = 100;
             else dy2 = dy3 = 100;
-            if (dx + dy <= best || dx + dy2 <= best || dx + dy3 <= best)
+            int hit = 0;
+            if(array_joc)
+            {
+                if(i + incr >= array->a_n)
+                    hit = xpix >= pxpix;
+                else
+                {
+                    t_float px2pix, py2pix, pw2pix;
+                    array_getcoordinate(glist,
+                        (char *)(array->a_vec) + i + incr * elemsize,
+                        xonset, yonset, wonset, i + incr, xloc, yloc, xinc,
+                        xfield, yfield, wfield, &px2pix, &py2pix, &pw2pix);
+                    hit = (xpix >= pxpix) && (xpix < px2pix);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                hit = dx + dy <= best || dx + dy2 <= best || dx + dy3 <= best;
+            if (hit)
                 if (dy < dy2 && dy < dy3)
                     array_motion_fatten = 0;
                 else if (dy2 < dy3)
                     array_motion_fatten = -1;
-                else array_motion_fatten = 1;
+                else if (!array_joc) array_motion_fatten = 1;
                 if (doit)
                     char *elem = (char *)array->a_vec;
@@ -902,10 +982,12 @@ int array_doclick(t_array *array, t_glis
                     else if (yonset >= 0)
                         array_motion_yfield = yfield;
-                        array_motion_ycumulative = 
+                        array_motion_ycumulative =
                             fielddesc_getcoord(yfield, array_motion_template,
                                 (t_word *)(elem + i * elemsize), 1);
                             /* *(t_float *)((elem + elemsize * i) + yonset); */
+                        if(array_joc)
+                            array_motion(0, 0, ypix - pypix);
@@ -1038,9 +1120,10 @@ static void garray_save(t_gobj *z, t_bin
             x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 0);    
     filestyle = (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS ? 1 : 
         (style == PLOTSTYLE_POLY ? 0 : style)); 
-    binbuf_addv(b, "sssisi;", gensym("#X"), gensym("array"),
+    binbuf_addv(b, "sssisiss;", gensym("#X"), gensym("array"),
         x->x_name, array->a_n, &s_float,
-            x->x_saveit + 2 * filestyle + 8*x->x_hidename);
+            x->x_saveit + 2 * filestyle + 8*x->x_hidename +
+            16*x->x_joc, x->x_fillcolor, x->x_outlinecolor);
     if (x->x_saveit)
         int n = array->a_n, n2 = 0;
@@ -1202,7 +1285,7 @@ static void garray_dofo(t_garray *x, lon
     if (npoints == 0)
         npoints = 512;  /* dunno what a good default would be... */
     if (npoints != (1 << ilog2(npoints)))
-        post("%s: rounnding to %d points", array->a_templatesym->s_name,
+        post("%s: rounding to %d points", array->a_templatesym->s_name,
             (npoints = (1<<ilog2(npoints))));
     garray_resize_long(x, npoints + 3);
     phaseincr = 2. * 3.14159 / npoints;
@@ -1524,7 +1607,7 @@ void g_array_setup(void)
     class_addmethod(garray_class, (t_method)garray_normalize,
         gensym("normalize"), A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
     class_addmethod(garray_class, (t_method)garray_arraydialog,
-        gensym("arraydialog"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+        gensym("arraydialog"), A_GIMME, 0);
 /* jsarlo { */
     class_addmethod(garray_class, (t_method)garray_arrayviewlist_new,
         gensym("arrayviewlistnew"), A_NULL);
diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_canvas.c pd-0.43-0/src/g_canvas.c
--- pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_canvas.c	2013-05-01 01:48:51.229292198 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/src/g_canvas.c	2013-05-02 16:56:02.411892760 -0400
@@ -968,6 +968,7 @@ static int tabcount = 0;
 static void *table_new(t_symbol *s, t_floatarg f)
     t_atom a[9];
+    t_atom ga[4];
     t_glist *gl;
     t_canvas *x, *z = canvas_getcurrent();
     if (s == &s_)
@@ -992,8 +993,12 @@ static void *table_new(t_symbol *s, t_fl
         /* create a graph for the table */
     gl = glist_addglist((t_glist*)x, &s_, 0, -1, (f > 1 ? f-1 : 1), 1,
         50, 350, 550, 50);
-    graph_array(gl, s, &s_float, f, 0);
+    SETSYMBOL(ga, s);
+    SETSYMBOL(ga+1, &s_float);
+    SETFLOAT(ga+2, f);
+    SETFLOAT(ga+3, 0);
+    graph_array(gl, gensym("array"), 4, ga);
     canvas_pop(x, 0); 
diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_canvas.h pd-0.43-0/src/g_canvas.h
--- pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_canvas.h	2013-05-01 01:48:51.229292198 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/src/g_canvas.h	2013-05-03 23:55:50.551835685 -0400
@@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ extern int glist_valid;         /* incre
 #define PLOTSTYLE_POINTS 0     /* plotting styles for arrays */
 #define PLOTSTYLE_BEZ 2
 /* ------------------- functions on any gobj ----------------------------- */
 EXTERN void gobj_getrect(t_gobj *x, t_glist *owner, int *x1, int *y1,
@@ -396,8 +397,8 @@ EXTERN void glist_glist(t_glist *g, t_sy
 EXTERN t_glist *glist_addglist(t_glist *g, t_symbol *sym,
     t_float x1, t_float y1, t_float x2, t_float y2,
     t_float px1, t_float py1, t_float px2, t_float py2);
-EXTERN void glist_arraydialog(t_glist *parent, t_symbol *name,
-    t_floatarg size, t_floatarg saveit, t_floatarg newgraph);
+EXTERN void glist_arraydialog(t_glist *parent, t_symbol *s,
+    int argc, t_atom *argv);
 EXTERN t_binbuf *glist_writetobinbuf(t_glist *x, int wholething);
 EXTERN int glist_isgraph(t_glist *x);
 EXTERN void glist_redraw(t_glist *x);
@@ -530,11 +531,11 @@ EXTERN void linetraverser_skipobject(t_l
 EXTERN t_template *garray_template(t_garray *x);
 /* -------------------- arrays --------------------- */
-EXTERN t_garray *graph_array(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *tmpl,
-    t_floatarg f, t_floatarg saveit);
+EXTERN t_garray *graph_array(t_glist *gl, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv);
 EXTERN t_array *array_new(t_symbol *templatesym, t_gpointer *parent);
 EXTERN void array_resize(t_array *x, int n);
 EXTERN void array_free(t_array *x);
+int array_joc; /* for "jump on click" array inside a graph */
 /* --------------------- gpointers and stubs ---------------- */
 EXTERN t_gstub *gstub_new(t_glist *gl, t_array *a);
diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_editor.c pd-0.43-0/src/g_editor.c
--- pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_editor.c	2013-05-01 01:48:51.229292198 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/src/g_editor.c	2013-05-02 17:47:06.958763747 -0400
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ void g_editor_setup(void)
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_donecanvasdialog,
         gensym("donecanvasdialog"), A_GIMME, A_NULL);
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)glist_arraydialog,
-        gensym("arraydialog"), A_SYMBOL, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, A_NULL);
+        gensym("arraydialog"), A_GIMME, 0);
 /* -------------- connect method used in reading files ------------------ */
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_connect,
diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_graph.c pd-0.43-0/src/g_graph.c
--- pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_graph.c	2013-05-01 01:48:51.225292121 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/src/g_graph.c	2013-05-02 02:44:40.533781373 -0400
@@ -14,15 +14,18 @@ to this file... */
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
+extern int array_joc;
+int garray_joc(t_garray *x);
 /* ---------------------- forward definitions ----------------- */
 static void graph_vis(t_gobj *gr, t_glist *unused_glist, int vis);
-static void graph_graphrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
+void graph_graphrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
     int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2);
 static void graph_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
     int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2);
-/* -------------------- maintaining the list -------------------- */
+/* -------------------- maintaining tne list -------------------- */
 void canvas_drawredrect(t_canvas *x, int doit);
@@ -854,7 +857,7 @@ static void graph_vis(t_gobj *gr, t_glis
     /* get the graph's rectangle, not counting extra swelling for controls
     to keep them inside the graph.  This is the "logical" pixel size. */
-static void graph_graphrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
+void graph_graphrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
     int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2)
     t_glist *x = (t_glist *)z;
@@ -1046,12 +1049,21 @@ static int graph_click(t_gobj *z, struct
         for (y = x->gl_list; y; y = y->g_next)
-            int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+            if(pd_class(&y->g_pd) == garray_class &&
+               !y->g_next &&
+               (array_joc = garray_joc((t_garray *)y)) &&
+               (clickreturned = gobj_click(y, x, xpix, ypix,
+                   shift, alt, 0, doit)))
+                       break;
+            else
+            {
+                int x1, y1, x2, y2;
                 /* check if the object wants to be clicked */
-            if (canvas_hitbox(x, y, xpix, ypix, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)
-                &&  (clickreturned = gobj_click(y, x, xpix, ypix,
+                if (canvas_hitbox(x, y, xpix, ypix, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)
+                    &&  (clickreturned = gobj_click(y, x, xpix, ypix,
                     shift, alt, 0, doit)))
+            }
         if (!doit)
@@ -1102,7 +1114,7 @@ void g_graph_setup(void)
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)graph_ylabel, gensym("ylabel"),
         A_GIMME, 0);
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)graph_array, gensym("array"),
+        A_GIMME, A_NULL);
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)canvas_menuarray,
         gensym("menuarray"), A_NULL);
     class_addmethod(canvas_class, (t_method)glist_sort,
diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_template.c pd-0.43-0/src/g_template.c
--- pd-0.43-0-old/src/g_template.c	2013-05-01 01:48:51.229292198 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/src/g_template.c	2013-05-04 22:40:50.548670259 -0400
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 #include "g_canvas.h"
 void array_redraw(t_array *a, t_glist *glist);
+void graph_graphrect(t_gobj *z, t_glist *glist,
+    int *xp1, int *yp1, int *xp2, int *yp2);
 This file contains text objects you would put in a canvas to define a
 template.  Templates describe objects of type "array" (g_array.c) and
@@ -1352,6 +1353,8 @@ typedef struct _plot
     t_fielddesc x_wpoints;
     t_fielddesc x_vis;          /* visible */
     t_fielddesc x_scalarvis;    /* true if drawing the scalar at each point */
+    t_fielddesc x_symoutlinecolor; /* color as hex symbol */
+    t_fielddesc x_symfillcolor;    /* fill color as hex symbol */
 } t_plot;
 static void *plot_new(t_symbol *classsym, t_int argc, t_atom *argv)
@@ -1416,6 +1419,9 @@ static void *plot_new(t_symbol *classsym
     else fielddesc_setfloat_const(&x->x_xinc, 1);
     if (argc) fielddesc_setfloatarg(&x->x_style, argc--, argv++);
     else fielddesc_setfloat_const(&x->x_style, defstyle);
+    if (argc) fielddesc_setsymbolarg(&x->x_symfillcolor, argc--, argv++);
+    else argc--, argv++;
+    if (argc) fielddesc_setsymbolarg(&x->x_symoutlinecolor, argc--, argv++);
     return (x);
@@ -1446,7 +1452,8 @@ static int plot_readownertemplate(t_plot
     t_symbol **elemtemplatesymp, t_array **arrayp,
     t_float *linewidthp, t_float *xlocp, t_float *xincp, t_float *ylocp, t_float *stylep,
     t_float *visp, t_float *scalarvisp,
-    t_fielddesc **xfield, t_fielddesc **yfield, t_fielddesc **wfield)
+    t_fielddesc **xfield, t_fielddesc **yfield, t_fielddesc **wfield, t_symbol **fillcolorp,
+    t_symbol **outlinecolorp)
     int arrayonset, type;
     t_symbol *elemtemplatesym;
@@ -1482,6 +1489,10 @@ static int plot_readownertemplate(t_plot
     *xfield = &x->x_xpoints;
     *yfield = &x->x_ypoints;
     *wfield = &x->x_wpoints;
+    *fillcolorp = fielddesc_getsymbol(&x->x_symfillcolor, ownertemplate,
+        data, 1);
+    *outlinecolorp = fielddesc_getsymbol(&x->x_symoutlinecolor, ownertemplate,
+        data, 1);
     return (0);
@@ -1553,6 +1564,8 @@ static void plot_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_gl
     t_template *elemtemplate;
     t_symbol *elemtemplatesym;
     t_float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, xsum, yval, vis, scalarvis;
+    t_symbol *symfillcolor;
+    t_symbol *symoutlinecolor;
     t_array *array;
     int x1 = 0x7fffffff, y1 = 0x7fffffff, x2 = -0x7fffffff, y2 = -0x7fffffff;
     int i;
@@ -1560,7 +1573,8 @@ static void plot_getrect(t_gobj *z, t_gl
     t_fielddesc *xfielddesc, *yfielddesc, *wfielddesc;
     if (!plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, 
         &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc, &yloc, &style,
-            &vis, &scalarvis, &xfielddesc, &yfielddesc, &wfielddesc) &&
+            &vis, &scalarvis, &xfielddesc, &yfielddesc, &wfielddesc,
+            &symfillcolor, &symoutlinecolor) &&
                 (vis != 0) &&
             !array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas,
                 &elemtemplate, &elemsize, 
@@ -1659,6 +1673,11 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
     t_symbol *elemtemplatesym;
     t_float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, usexloc, xsum, yval, vis,
+    t_symbol *symfill;
+    t_symbol *symoutline;
+    char outline[20];
+    numbertocolor(fielddesc_getfloat(&x->x_outlinecolor, template,
+        data, 1), outline);
     t_array *array;
     int nelem;
     char *elem;
@@ -1674,7 +1693,8 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
     if (plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, 
         &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc, &yloc, &style,
-        &vis, &scalarvis, &xfielddesc, &yfielddesc, &wfielddesc) ||
+        &vis, &scalarvis, &xfielddesc, &yfielddesc, &wfielddesc, &symfill,
+        &symoutline) ||
             ((vis == 0) && tovis) /* see above for 'tovis' */
             || array_getfields(elemtemplatesym, &elemtemplatecanvas,
                 &elemtemplate, &elemsize, xfielddesc, yfielddesc, wfielddesc,
@@ -1685,8 +1705,17 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
     if (tovis)
-        if (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS)
+        /* check if old 3-digit color field is being used... */
+        int dscolor = fielddesc_getfloat(&x->x_outlinecolor, template, data, 1);
+        if (dscolor != 0)
+            char outline[20];
+            numbertocolor(dscolor, outline);
+            symoutline = gensym(outline); 
+        }
+        if (style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS || style == PLOTSTYLE_BARS)
+        {
+            symfill = style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS ? symoutline : symfill;
             t_float minyval = 1e20, maxyval = -1e20;
             int ndrawn = 0;
             for (xsum = basex + xloc, i = 0; i < nelem; i++)
@@ -1721,14 +1750,34 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
                     minyval = yval;
                 if (i == nelem-1 || inextx != ixpix)
+                    int py2 = 0;
+                    int border = 0;
+                    if(style == PLOTSTYLE_POINTS)
+                        py2 = (int)(glist_ytopixels(glist,
+                            basey + fielddesc_cvttocoord(yfielddesc, maxyval))
+                                + linewidth);
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /* this should probably be changed to anchor to the
+                           y-minimum instead of the bottom of the graph. That
+                           way the user can invert the y min/max to get a graph
+                           anchored from the top */
+                        if(glist->gl_isgraph && !glist->gl_havewindow)
+                        {
+                            int x1, y1, x2, y2;
+                            graph_graphrect(&glist->gl_gobj, glist->gl_owner,
+                                &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+                            py2 = y2;
+                            border = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
                     sys_vgui(".x%lx.c create rectangle %d %d %d %d \
--fill black -width 0  -tags [list plot%lx array]\n",
+-fill %s -outline %s -width %d -tags [list plot%lx array]\n",
                         ixpix, (int)glist_ytopixels(glist, 
-                            basey + fielddesc_cvttocoord(yfielddesc, minyval)),
-                        inextx, (int)(glist_ytopixels(glist, 
-                            basey + fielddesc_cvttocoord(yfielddesc, maxyval))
-                                + linewidth), data);
+                        basey + fielddesc_cvttocoord(yfielddesc, minyval)),
+                        inextx, py2, symfill->s_name, symoutline->s_name,
+                        border, data);
                     minyval = 1e20;
                     maxyval = -1e20;
@@ -1738,13 +1787,10 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
-            char outline[20];
             int lastpixel = -1, ndrawn = 0;
             t_float yval = 0, wval = 0, xpix;
             int ixpix = 0;
                 /* draw the trace */
-            numbertocolor(fielddesc_getfloat(&x->x_outlinecolor, template,
-                data, 1), outline);
             if (wonset >= 0)
                     /* found "w" field which controls linewidth.  The trace is
@@ -1818,7 +1864,7 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
                 sys_vgui(" -width 1 -fill %s -outline %s\\\n",
-                    outline, outline);
+                    symfill->s_name, symoutline->s_name);
                 if (style == PLOTSTYLE_BEZ) sys_vgui("-smooth 1\\\n");
                 sys_vgui("-tags [list plot%lx array]\n", data);
@@ -1861,12 +1907,15 @@ static void plot_vis(t_gobj *z, t_glist
                         fielddesc_cvttocoord(yfielddesc, yval)));
                 sys_vgui("-width %f\\\n", linewidth);
-                sys_vgui("-fill %s\\\n", outline);
+                sys_vgui("-fill %s\\\n", symoutline->s_name);
                 if (style == PLOTSTYLE_BEZ) sys_vgui("-smooth 1\\\n");
                 sys_vgui("-tags [list plot%lx array]\n", data);
+        /* make sure the array drawings are behind the graph */
+        sys_vgui(".x%lx.c lower plot%lx graph%lx\n", glist_getcanvas(glist),
+            data, glist);
             /* We're done with the outline; now draw all the points.
             This code is inefficient since the template has to be
             searched for drawing instructions for every last point. */
@@ -1931,11 +1980,14 @@ static int plot_click(t_gobj *z, t_glist
     t_float linewidth, xloc, xinc, yloc, style, vis, scalarvis;
     t_array *array;
     t_fielddesc *xfielddesc, *yfielddesc, *wfielddesc;
+    t_symbol *symfillcolor;
+    t_symbol *symoutlinecolor;
     if (!plot_readownertemplate(x, data, template, 
         &elemtemplatesym, &array, &linewidth, &xloc, &xinc, &yloc, &style,
         &vis, &scalarvis,
-        &xfielddesc, &yfielddesc, &wfielddesc) && (vis != 0))
+        &xfielddesc, &yfielddesc, &wfielddesc, &symfillcolor, &symoutlinecolor)
+        && (vis != 0))
         return (array_doclick(array, glist, sc, ap,
diff -rupN pd-0.43-0-old/tcl/dialog_array.tcl pd-0.43-0/tcl/dialog_array.tcl
--- pd-0.43-0-old/tcl/dialog_array.tcl	2013-05-01 01:48:51.205291726 -0400
+++ pd-0.43-0/tcl/dialog_array.tcl	2013-05-04 22:11:20.773728018 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 package provide dialog_array 0.1
+# todo: probably not a bad idea to unset these arrays
 namespace eval ::dialog_array:: {
     namespace export pdtk_array_dialog
     namespace export pdtk_array_listview_new
@@ -15,8 +17,16 @@ array set pd_array_listview_page {}
 set pd_array_listview_pagesize 0
 # this stores the state of the "save me" check button
 array set saveme_button {}
+# this stores the state of the "joc" check button
+array set joc_button {}
+# whether to hide the array name
+array set hidename_button {}
 # this stores the state of the "draw as" radio buttons
 array set drawas_button {}
+# border color for an element
+array set pd_array_outlinecolor {}
+# inner color for an element
+array set pd_array_fillcolor {}
 # this stores the state of the "in new graph"/"in last graph" radio buttons
 # and the "delete array" checkbutton
 array set otherflag_button {}
@@ -217,18 +227,47 @@ proc ::dialog_array::apply {mytoplevel}
     set mofo [$mytoplevel.name.entry get]
     if {[string index $mofo 0] == "$"} {
         set mofo [string replace $mofo 0 0 #] }
     pdsend "$mytoplevel arraydialog \
             $mofo \
             [$mytoplevel.size.entry get] \
-            [expr $::saveme_button($mytoplevel) + (2 * $::drawas_button($mytoplevel))] \
-            $::otherflag_button($mytoplevel)"
+            [expr $::saveme_button($mytoplevel) + \
+                (2 * $::drawas_button($mytoplevel)) + \
+                (8 * $::hidename_button($mytoplevel)) + \
+                (16 * $::joc_button($mytoplevel))] \
+            $::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) \
+            $::pd_array_fillcolor($mytoplevel) \
+            $::pd_array_outlinecolor($mytoplevel)"
 proc ::dialog_array::openlistview {mytoplevel} {
     pdsend "$mytoplevel arrayviewlistnew"
+proc ::dialog_array::choosecolor {mytoplevel type} {
+    set colorp [format "::pd_array_%scolor(%s)" $type $mytoplevel]
+    if {[info exists $colorp]} {
+        set initcolor [set $colorp]
+    } else {
+        set initcolor "black"}
+    set tmp [tk_chooseColor -parent $mytoplevel -initialcolor $initcolor]
+    if {$tmp eq ""} {return} else {set $colorp $tmp}
+proc ::dialog_array::update_colorpreview {color widget args} {
+    upvar #0 $color c
+    $widget configure -background $c -activebackground $c
+proc ::dialog_array::update_drawas {mytoplevel outlineframe filllabel args} {
+    if {$::drawas_button($mytoplevel) == 3} {
+        pack $outlineframe -before $mytoplevel.colors.o -side top -anchor w
+        $filllabel configure -text "Outline color"
+    } else {
+        pack forget $outlineframe
+        $filllabel configure -text "Trace color"
+    }
 proc ::dialog_array::cancel {mytoplevel} {
     pdsend "$mytoplevel cancel"
@@ -238,7 +277,8 @@ proc ::dialog_array::ok {mytoplevel} {
     ::dialog_array::cancel $mytoplevel
-proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_dialog {mytoplevel name size flags newone} {
+proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_dialog {mytoplevel name \
+    size flags newone fillcolor outlinecolor} {
     if {[winfo exists $mytoplevel]} {
         wm deiconify $mytoplevel
         raise $mytoplevel
@@ -250,7 +290,12 @@ proc ::dialog_array::pdtk_array_dialog {
     $mytoplevel.size.entry insert 0 $size
     set ::saveme_button($mytoplevel) [expr $flags & 1]
     set ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) [expr ( $flags & 6 ) >> 1]
+    set ::hidename_button($mytoplevel) [expr ( $flags & 8 ) >> 3]
+    set ::joc_button($mytoplevel)    [expr ( $flags & 16) >> 4]
     set ::otherflag_button($mytoplevel) 0
+    set ::pd_array_fillcolor($mytoplevel) $fillcolor
+    set ::pd_array_outlinecolor($mytoplevel) $outlinecolor
 # pd -> tcl
 #  2 * (int)(template_getfloat(template_findbyname(sc->sc_template), gensym("style"), x->x_scalar->sc_vec, 1)));
@@ -280,9 +325,17 @@ proc ::dialog_array::create_dialog {myto
     entry $mytoplevel.size.entry
     pack $mytoplevel.size.label $mytoplevel.size.entry -anchor w
-    checkbutton $mytoplevel.saveme -text [_ "Save contents"] \
-        -variable ::saveme_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
-    pack $mytoplevel.saveme -side top
+    frame $mytoplevel.flags
+    pack $mytoplevel.flags -side top -fill x -padx 20
+    checkbutton $mytoplevel.flags.saveme -text [_ "Save contents"] \
+        -variable ::saveme_button($mytoplevel)
+    pack $mytoplevel.flags.saveme -side top -anchor w
+    checkbutton $mytoplevel.flags.joc -text [_ "Jump on click"] \
+        -variable ::joc_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
+    pack $mytoplevel.flags.joc -side top -anchor w
+    checkbutton $mytoplevel.flags.hidename -text [_ "Hide array name"] \
+        -variable ::hidename_button($mytoplevel) -anchor w
+    pack $mytoplevel.flags.hidename -side top -anchor w
     labelframe $mytoplevel.drawas -text [_ "Draw as:"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
     pack $mytoplevel.drawas -side top -fill x
@@ -292,9 +345,50 @@ proc ::dialog_array::create_dialog {myto
         -variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Polygon"]
     radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.bezier -value 2 \
         -variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Bezier curve"]
+    radiobutton $mytoplevel.drawas.bargraph -value 3 \
+        -variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) -text [_ "Bargraph"]
     pack $mytoplevel.drawas.points -side top -anchor w
     pack $mytoplevel.drawas.polygon -side top -anchor w
     pack $mytoplevel.drawas.bezier -side top -anchor w
+    pack $mytoplevel.drawas.bargraph -side top -anchor w
+    trace add variable ::drawas_button($mytoplevel) write \
+        "::dialog_array::update_drawas $mytoplevel $mytoplevel.colors.f \
+        $mytoplevel.colors.o.outlinecolor"
+    set fillp ::pd_array_fillcolor($mytoplevel)
+    set outlinep ::pd_array_outlinecolor($mytoplevel)
+    labelframe $mytoplevel.colors -text [_ "Colors:"] -padx 20 -pady 5 \
+        -borderwidth 1
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors -side top -fill both
+    frame $mytoplevel.colors.f
+    frame $mytoplevel.colors.o
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors.f -side top -anchor w
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors.o -side top -anchor w
+    set fillpreview $mytoplevel.colors.f.preview
+    set flabel [label $mytoplevel.colors.f.fillcolor -text [_ "Fill color"]]
+    set olabel \
+        [label $mytoplevel.colors.o.outlinecolor -text [_ "Outline color"]]
+    bind $flabel <Enter> "$flabel configure -foreground blue"
+    bind $flabel <Leave> "$flabel configure -foreground black"
+    bind $flabel <1> "::dialog_array::choosecolor $mytoplevel fill"
+    bind $olabel <Enter> "$olabel configure -foreground blue"
+    bind $olabel <Leave> "$olabel configure -foreground black"
+    bind $olabel <1> "::dialog_array::choosecolor $mytoplevel outline"
+    button $fillpreview -relief raised -padx 7 -pady 0 \
+        -command "::dialog_array::choosecolor $mytoplevel fill"
+    set outlinepreview $mytoplevel.colors.o.preview
+    button $outlinepreview -relief raised -padx 7 -pady 0 \
+        -command \
+        "::dialog_array::choosecolor $mytoplevel outline"
+    #automagically update the preview buttons when the variables are changed
+    trace add variable $fillp write \
+        "::dialog_array::update_colorpreview $fillp $fillpreview"
+    trace add variable $outlinep write \
+        "::dialog_array::update_colorpreview $outlinep $outlinepreview"
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors.f.fillcolor -side right -anchor w
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors.f.preview -side left -anchor e -padx 3
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors.o.outlinecolor -side right -anchor w
+    pack $mytoplevel.colors.o.preview -side left -anchor e -padx 3
     if {$newone != 0} {
         labelframe $mytoplevel.radio -text [_ "Put array into:"] -padx 20 -borderwidth 1
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